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这张机票可以退换吗?Is this ticket refundable or changeable?

的抵押金可全数退还。All deposits for holiday cottages are refundable.

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如果我不能去的话,能不能退费?。If I could not make it, is the fee paid refundable?

报名一经接纳,所有参加费恕不退还。Entry fees are non- refundable once application is accepted.

在任何情况下,已提交的捐款均不获退回。Donations received are non- refundable under all circumstances.

在本店购买的商品七天内可以退换。Goods purchased in this store are refundable within seven days.

如果购买价值5英镑的货物,入场费可退还。The entrance fee is refundable if you purchase5 worth of goods.

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试读费在试读前支付,若不满一周离园,则不退还。This fee must be paid before the trial and it is not refundable.

除课程额满或取消外,已缴学费,概不退还。Fees paid are not refundable except when course is over-subscribed or cancelled.

旅游塔套票及门票只适用于当日使用,售出之门票恕不退换。Tower packages & tickets are valid only on the issuing day & are not refundable.

除非有关课程被取消,否则已缴费用,概不发还。Any fees paid are not refundable unless the course is cancelled by the organizers.

除非因课程额满或取消,否则已缴交之学费恕不退款及转让。Course fees paid are not refundable nor transferable unless the course is full or cancelled.

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一经报名,除非有关课程取消,已缴学费不能转让或退还。转班安排仅限于同一学季。Registered courses are neither transferable nor refundable except when a course is cancelled.

除报名不获接纳或课程取消外,已缴学费恕不退还。Except from unsuccessful applications or course cancellations, course fee paid are not refundable.

除特殊情况及法例规定外,一切已缴费用。慨不退还。Fees paid are not refundable except as statutorily provided or under very exceptional circumstances.

撤展时,外来施工单位在清理及妥善交还场地后,按金可凭收据原款退还。The deposit is refundable upon the proper placing of his construction materials on site and removal.

订位时须缴付全费,此费用亦只会于邮輪不能确定才获退款。A full payment is required during reservation. Payment is refundable only if package is not confirmed.

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另外,学员不论上课与否,已缴学费,恕不退还。Furthermore, fees paid are not refundable regardless of whether students have attended classes or not.

订位时顸缴付全费,此费用亦只会于邮轮不能确定才获退款。A full payment is required at the time of booking. Payment is refundable only if package is not confirmed.

可是定睛一看,原来是接受我的退学请求,而退费请求则不予采纳。With regard to your request for refund of tuition and related, you may recall that fees paid are not refundable.