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在我看来,这种表述既正确,又令人郁闷。This looks depressingly right to me.

这位未完的清单已经令人郁闷地长。That unfinished list is already depressingly long.

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还有哇,他们总是热情的让人郁闷。Besides, they were always so depressingly enthusiastic.

为刚刚毕业的高中生和大学生提供的工作极少。Jobs are depressingly scarce for recent high school and college graduates.

而且,那是华氏的温度,如果按照摄氏度来计算,加拿大的温度更是低的吓人。That's Fahrenheit--the numbers are depressingly lower in Celsius here in Canada.

但是这本杂志在2003年停止出版实体书,它的网页也显得沉闷无味。The magazine ceased printing in 2003, and its web presence is depressingly bland.

司法外的殴打和谋杀在许多非洲和穆斯林国家都非常普遍。Extra-judicial beatings and murders are depressingly common in much of Africa and in some Muslim countries.

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对于电子产业的理性主义者来说,无线充电的未来听起来总让人有点沮丧。To seasoned observers of the electronics industry, the promise of wireless recharging sounds depressingly familiar.

按照非常熟悉的老套路,奥巴马先生的阵营辩称,做这些事情的时机还没有成熟。In a routine that is becoming depressingly familiar, Mr Obama’s camp argues that the time for these things is not yet ripe.

局势一直不容乐观,而一轮又一轮的挑衅和报复行动将局部冲突升级为全面战争。It is a depressingly familiar scenario, a cycle of provocation and reprisal that periodically escalates into full-blown war.

第二天,小明的父亲去捕鱼愉快的上午和回来后非常沮丧的空抄网。The next day, Xiaoming's father went fishing happily in the morning and came back depressingly very later with the empty tuck net.

这也解释了为什么失业率和放弃再就业的工人数量只是在令人沮丧地小幅度下降。This helps explain the depressingly slow decline in unemployment rates and in the number of workers who have given up looking for jobs.

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还有,在数不清的版本里,孩子还是被杀了,可能是被伦佩斯提金,可能是侍卫,或者其他什么人。Also, in a depressingly large number of versions, the child is killed anyway, either by Rumpelstiltskin himself, or the guards, or someone.

他们交谈起来不有趣,因为他们总是想实施印花税法案或者提越南或者其他一些过去的压抑无趣的事情。They aren't fun to talk to because they always want to bring up the Stamp Act or Vietnam or some other depressingly unfunny thing from the past.

正如低估一个新的巴西是一个错误,掩饰它的弱点也是错误的,其中有些让人忧心忡忡。Just as it would be a mistake to underestimate the new Brazil, so it would be to gloss over its weaknesses. Some of these are depressingly familiar.

我们面临的是和买第一所住房的人被逐出房屋市场时一样压抑的局面,但难以承受的房租的影响更大。We have become depressingly familiar with first-time buyers being priced out of the housing market, but the impact of unaffordable rents is more dramatic.

郁闷的是,和1917年十月革命前夕四分之一的人口都被认为是中产阶级来比,这是很小的份额。Depressingly , this was a smaller share than on the eve of the October revolution of 1917, when a quarter of the population was estimated to have been middle-class.

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当时普遍的理解是如此低的消费份额迫使中国在经济增长上过度依赖投资和贸易顺差。It was widely understood back then that such a depressingly low consumption share condemned China to an excessive reliance on investment and a trade surplus for growth.

尽管在现实世界中失败者成功的可能性小得令人沮丧,但我愿意坚持这种观点,那就是一旦他们获得成功,他们会带来一些特别的东西,而这些是那些天之骄子们所不具备的。Though it is depressingly rare for the underdog to win in the real world, I'd like to cling to the idea that when they do, they have something special to offer that the overdog does not.