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其发光突变株具有稳定的遗传学性质。These luminous revertants have stable genetical characters.

但是也有许多的食物包含有基因工程改良的大豆卵磷脂,玉米糖浆和其他的产品。But many foods contain genetical ly modified soy lecithin corn syrup and other products.

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种子的每一部分都有由各自的相同或不相同的酯酶生物台成的遗传信息。Each part of seed has its own genetical information for esterase biosynthesis which may be similar or not.

靖远地区第四系发良良好,分带性明显,成因类型较为复杂。In Jingyuan region, the Quaternary system developed well, and zoned clearly, and there are complex genetical types.

林木种子园花粉污染是影响种子园种子遗传品质的重要因子,由于野生同种花粉进入种子园而增加遗传损失。The pollen contamination in a seed orchard is a principal factor influencing the genetical quality of a seed orchard.

最后,放归前所必须的遗传学研究,个体识别标记以及放归后的追踪研究,也都是可以想像的。Lastly, genetical research, such as individual identifying mark and tracing study after sending back, is also foreseeable.

本文采用生物学检测技术,对五种国产食用合成色素的遗传毒理学效应进行研究。This article is about the study on genetical toxical effects of five home made edible synthetic pigments by suing bioassay.

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本文采用生物学检测技术,对五种国产食用合成色素的遗传毒理学效应进行研究。This article is about the study on genetical toxical effects of five home2made edible synthetic pigments by suing bioassay.

讨论了灰色关联度分析在棉花遗传育种中运用的可能性。In addition, the possibility of applying the grey relational grade analysis to genetical breeding of cotton has been discussed.

为此目的,生理学、遗传学基础以及作为关键行为元素的群体遗传学是被研究的。To this end the physiological and genetical basis as well as the population genetics of key behavioural elements are investigated.

他的肩部问题来源于家族遗传,就剩下的来看,我不觉得他就是个玻璃人。He's had two shoulder surgeries that were a genetical weakness, from the family. From the rest, I don't believe he is injury prone.

根据无根金矿体的成因机制,提出追踪原生金矿体的方法。On the basis of the genetical mechanism of rootless gold orebody, this paper put forward the searching methods of primary gold orebody.

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研究了湖南省不同类型土壤起源的辣椒品种资源主要性状的遗传差异。The genetical differences of main characters in pepper germplasm originating from different soil regions in Hunan province were studied.

通过大量的实验统计数据表明这类演化规则具有良好的雪崩性、扩散性。A large quantity of simulation data indicates that, the toggle rules found by this genetical algorithm have good avalanche effects and diffusibility.

分维将是一个研究碎屑岩储层渗透率分布的数学和成因特征的重要参数。Fractal dimension will be an important parameter of studying the mathematical and genetical characters of the permeability distribution in clastic rock reservoirs.

但是,消费者可能会嫌弃用遗传工程方法制造的食品,总觉得它们古怪,甚至危险。因此,科学家们正在制订对这些新奇的未知品种进行检验的专门计划。Consumers may shy away from genetical ly engineered food as weird and even dangerous so scientists are developing special testing plans for these new and unknown breeds.

因此,查明当时的古水文地质条件对于研究矿床成因、指导找矿具有重要意义。Therefore, the reconstruction of the paleohydrogeological setting is of great importance to genetical study of the mineralizations and to the prospecting for the deposits.

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认为遗传群体是一个耗散结构,基因在传递过程中即有无约束行为,也受约束簇控制。It is considered that genetical population is a dissipative structure. There are the unrestrained behaviors in transmission process about gene. It is controlled by leash cluster, too.

这使得人们可利用基因工程技术来构建工程菌,增加有效组分的产出和生产新型的阿维菌素。According to the cloned gene cluster, people can use genetical technology to obtain the genetical strains which can produce more potent and non-toxical avermectins and its derivatives.

异剥钙榴岩的形成主要取决于超镁铁岩的蛇纹石化作用和钙交代程度,而与超镁铁岩的成因类型、构造属性和时代归属没有多大的关系。The formation of rodingites depends on the serpentinization and degree of calcic metasomatism, and has no relationship for genetical types, tectonic setting and age of ultramafic rocks.