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天秤座是风相星座。Libra is an airy sign.

水瓶座是风相星座。Aquarius is an airy sign.

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把它挂在通风的地方。Hang it in an airy place.

就像黄金打成透明的薄叶。Like gold to airy thinness beat.

在你的磅礴之气的蔚蓝的波面On the blue surface of thine airy surge

那扇大窗使这房间看来空气流通。The large window makes the room seem airy.

房间虽然不大,采光和通风却很好。Though not large, the room was light and airy.

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白桦树花加上甜麝香。Combination of white florals & sweet airy musk.

整座房子的采光和通风都非常好。The whole house was beautifully light and airy.

泡棉透气结构具有通爽作用。Air hole structure incorporating our airy effect.

建筑是依照通风微风水方面的思索。The architecture is airy and feng shui-compliant.

用绳将鸡吊在空旷地方,风乾一整天。Hang chicken with strings and air-dry a airy place.

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它宽敞、通风,朝向圣查尔斯街。It was large and airy and faced St. Charles Avenue.

当然可以.请跟我来.这地方很宽敞.通风很好.Sure. Follow me, please. It`s quite roomy and airy.

她的丘比特弓形嘴努起,给了他一个轻盈的吻。Her Cupid-bow mouth pouted to give him an airy kiss.

她那丘比特型的嘴一撅,像是要给他送一个飞吻。Her Cupid-bow mouth pouted to give him an airy kiss.

机场的候机室很宽敞,空气很好。The waiting-room at the airport was airy and spacious.

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他能随意讲述意味深长的警句和毫无意义的空谈。He could talk good sense and airy nonsense at discretion.

新鲜哈蜜瓜味道,轻盈、微甜、清新。The sweet aroma of honeydew melon. Bright, airy and green.

当你增加孔径的尺寸时,艾里斑会变小。The airy disk becomes smaller as you increase the aperture.