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你是否愿意在日后收到职业训练局的资料?Do you wish to receive information from VTC in future?

本公司同意退还职业训练局多付的训练津贴。We agree to refund the VTC any over payment of training grant.

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本公司同意退还职业训練局多付的训練津贴。We agree to refund the VTC any over-payment of training grant.

工业署在职业训练局和制衣业训练局均派有代表,参与有关工作。The Industry Department is represented on the VTC and the CITA.

对职训局及其校友事务发展给予支持。Have demonstrated support for the VTC and its alumni development.

二元回归方程有效地预测了聚合物的VI、VTC和ST的值。The regression equations effectively calculate the value of VI, VTC and ST for the product.

自一九九九年九月开始,该九所院校合并为一所教育机构,名为香港专业教育学院。From September, VTC has merged the nine institutions into a single education institution, the IVE.

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年内,职业训练局的18个训练委员会和五个一般委员会继续协助推行训练计划。During the year, 18 training boards and five general committees continued to help the VTC implement its training programmes.

这趟意大利之旅完全可以自选行程,夏季是这里的旅游旺季。There’s a hand-picked selection of properties at VTC Italy to give you some ideas. As you might expect, high summer is high season.

本公司明白,受训雇员须顺利完成训练,雇主方可获发训练津贴。We understand that the training grant will be paid to the employer by the VTC upon the satisfactory completion of training of the trainee.

新科技培训计划由职业训练局负责推行,旨在协助本港工商业引进有助行业发展的新科技。Technology Training Scheme administered by the VTC aims to facilitate the adoption of new technologies beneficial to Hong Kong industry and commerce.

本人授权职业训练局使用本人的资料查询有关入学申请事宜及有关本人过往及现在于职业训练局辖下院校就读的资料。I authorise VTC to use my data to carry out checks on multiple applications and checks on records of current and previous studies in its institutions.

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新科技培训计划由职业训练局推行,旨在协助本港工商业引进有助行业发展的新科技。Technologies Training Scheme administered by the VTC aims to facilitate the adoption of new technologies beneficial to Hong Kong industry and commerce.

本人并声明同意遵守职业训练局25周年奖的评选准则和甄选团及评选团的决定。I also declare that I agree to abide by the selection criteria for the VTC 25th Anniversary Awards and the decision of the Panels in selecting the awardees.

研究语篇分析在高职教学中的具体应用,以加强学生的语篇意识,提高其语言综合能力。B. Applying discourse analysis to VTC English teaching, in order to strengthen students' discourse analysis and improve their comprehensive language ability.

新科技培训计划由职业训练局负责推行,旨在协助本港工商业引进有助行业发展的新科技。The New Technology Training Scheme administered by the VTC aims to facilitate the adoption of new technologies beneficial to Hong Kong industry and commerce.

通过与其他静止图像的压缩标准对比。可以看出实现的VTC编码算法不但有良好的率失真性能,而且具有许多有用的特性。Comparison with other compression standard for still image shows that the VTC has better rate distortion performance and many attractive useful characteristic.

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新科技培训计划由职业训练局推行,旨在协助本港工商业引进有助行业发展的新科技。The New Technologies Training Scheme administered by the VTC aims to facilitate the adoption of new technologies beneficial to Hong Kong industry and commerce.

职业训练局在一九九九至二零零零年度推行两项新措施,分别是为中五离校生开办基础文凭课程,以及为中三离校生开办中专证书课程。The VTC launched two initiatives for 1999-2000, the Foundation Diploma and the Certificate in Vocational Studies, for Secondary 5 and Secondary 3 school leavers respectively.

创新科技署也派有代表,参与职业训练局辖下与新科技培训计划有关的委员会的工作。The Trade and Industry Department is represented on the VTC and the CITA whereas the ITC is represented on the VTC committees concerned with the New Technology Training Scheme.