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那给游击队的三个盖帽呢?And those three blocks against Partizan ?

对阵游击队的比赛对你意味着什么?What do those games against Partizan mean for you?

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你认为为什么游击队的球迷这样对你?Do you know what problems Partizan fans have with you?

他将在未来的日子里成为游击队的领袖。He is expected to become a leader of Partizan team in a following seasons.

我是贝尔格莱德游击的支持者,但是我的心也支持瓦伦西亚和马德里。I am a Partizan supporter, but my heart is split up between Valencia and Madrid.

我相信游击队仍然可以拿下下两场比赛而夺得小组第二。I believe that Partizan can still win the next two matches and we can finish second.

不过从现在起我是一名游击队队员,我要完全专注于俱乐部的目标。But from now on I am a Partizan player and I am fully focused on the club's ambitions.

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因此,他在上赛季打进了很多进球,帮助游击队获得了双冠王。He scored many goals in such way, very much helping Partizan achieve last season's double.

退役后他执教过萨尔兹堡,贝尔格莱德游击者,匈牙利国家队。He has since had spells in charge of Salzburg, Partizan Belgrade and the Hungary national team.

他在对阵富勒姆时打进至关重要的一球,在冠军联赛中对阵布尔格莱德游击队的比赛中再次得分。He struck a vital brace against Fulham and also found the net against Partizan Belgrade in the Champions League.

我们在游击队一起踢了半年,合作愉快—我在左边他在右边。We played together for around six months at Partizan and we worked well together – me on the left and him on the right.

尽管克莱奥表示只有球队的决定才能最终决定它的未来,但是他会乐意前往红军。Cleo has now issued a come and get me plea to the Reds, although admitting that Partizan will eventually decide his future.

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他是游击队队长和这一代球员的领导者,充当能充分展现他杰出技术的后卫。Partizan FC skipper and leader of this generation of players. Plays as central defender where he displays excellent abilities.

左蓝。托西奇从贝尔格莱德游击队转会而来之后不久就得到了一队出场机会。Zoran Tosic was given a fleeting taste of first-team football with the Reds soon after his New Year arrival from Partizan Belgrade.

法比安斯基对阿森纳会击败贝尔格莱德游击晋级欧洲冠军联赛淘汰赛充满信心。Lukasz Fabianski is confident Arsenal will progress to the Champions League Knockout Stages with victory over Partizan Belgrade tonight.

曼联决定放弃从贝尔格莱德游击队引进塞尔维亚新星亚当。拉贾基奇。Manchester United have pulled the plug on the prospective transfer of Adem Ljajic, the young Serbian midfield player, from Partizan Belgrade.

上赛季,欧足联就因为在和贝尔格莱德游记队中打出种族主义的侮辱性标语而遭到主场禁赛一场的处罚。Last season UEFA handed Lazio a one-match stadium ban after their fans hurled racist abuse at Partizan Belgrade players during a UEFA Cup match.

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曼联很高兴地宣布,俱乐部已经和贝尔格莱德游击队以及他们的球员托西奇和拉贾季奇达成转会协议。United is pleased to announce it has reached an agreement with Partizan Belgrade and the players for Zoran Tosic and Adem Ljajic to join the club.

托西奇是今年1月从游击队加盟曼联的,但并没有随队去罗马打杯。Tosic, who joined United from Partizan Belgrade in January, did not travel to Rome with the squad for the ill-fated showdown against the Spaniards.

拉贾基奇和迪乌夫都在原俱乐部租借,曼联也派出了球探近距离观察。Ljajic and Diouf were both loaned back to their former clubs – Partizan Belgrade and FK Molde respectively and have been closely monitored by United staff.