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他们感到特别自豪。They were uncommonly proud.

来自日本的一些非常乐观的报告反映出了这一转变。Some uncommonly upbeat reports from Japan reflect the shift.

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过去几个月,相关消息总体还是令人满意的。And for the last few months, the news has been uncommonly good.

成功的秘诀是将平凡的事情做得非凡的好。Thesecret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.

“5年计划”是个非常常见的问题,但背后的文章不同寻常。The five-year question is a common one, and it's uncommonly tricky.

“5年计划”是个非经常见的问题,但背地的文章不同寻常。The five-year question is a common one, and it's uncommonly tricky.

通过这一值得称赞的努力,可口可乐已取得非同寻常的成功。In this laudable endeavor, Coca-Cola has been uncommonly successful.

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这种回答很坦诚,同时他们可以更好的想象你的生活是怎么样的。It’s uncommonly candid and gives them a better picture of your life.

真的,我听说她这一两年来有了很大的长进。I have heard, indeed, that she is uncommonly improved within this year or two.

简单点吧!让我们挑最明显的特点-椰棕床垫怎么样最共通的事物-把它做得非比寻常地好。Keep it simple. Let's do the obvious thing-the common thing-but let's do it uncommonly well.

可是我倒以为你这样对他深恶痛绝,固然说不上什么理由,却是非常聪明。And yet I meant to be uncommonly clever in taking so decided a dislike to him, without any reason.

更何况月亮要呈现出这样一种对于天文学家来说都不同寻常的巨大的状况时,月亮必须处于最圆满的阶段。In addition to appearing to be uncommonly big to stargazers, the moon will also be in its full phase.

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从一开始我就知道这是一次枯燥乏味的宴客。但是如果你能来的话,我是非常感激的。It was a thoroughly dull party from the beginning, but if you will come I shall be uncommonly grateful.

但即使以当地的标准来看,对郑筱萸的判决也是异乎寻常的严厉,处决也非同寻常的迅速。But even by local standards, the sentence against Zheng was unusually harsh and its execution uncommonly swift.

现在想来,他绝对是一个异常乐观活跃、趣味横生的父亲,但小时候的我对此却真的知之甚少。He was an uncommonly lively and interesting father, I think now, but I really had little idea of that at the time.

美德是优秀的表现,是超越一般的伟大和美好,它远远高于庸俗和平庸。Virtue is excellence, something uncommonly great and beautiful, which rises far above what is vulgar and ordinary.

那个叫蓓基的木偶人儿非常有名,大家一致称赞她的骨节特别的灵活,线一牵就活泼泼的手舞足蹈。The famous little Becky Puppet has been pronounced to be uncommonly flexible in the joints, and lively on the wire.

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我在加州认识的中国人中,就有很多人“一叶障目,不见森林”。Among the Chinese nationals I have known in Calfornia, they are uncommonly unable to "see the forest for the trees."

比亚迪总裁王传福几乎被誉为天才,据说公司的员工也异乎寻常的动力十足。BYD’s chairman, Wang Chuanfu, is lauded as a near-genius, and the company’s workers are said to be uncommonly motivated.

他反映非常敏捷,因为远视得厉害,除了哈姆雷的马鞍目录外他什么都不喜欢读。His reflexes were uncommonly quick and he was farsighted enough to dislike reading anything except Hamley's saddle catalog.