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所得税回单。Income tax returns.

削减出租车的税费。Axe the tax on taxis.

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别为自己的记忆增加负担。Don't tax your memory.

这个价格是含税价。The price is with tax.

窗户越多,税越高。More windows, more tax.

没人喜欢缴税。No-one enjoys paying tax.

加算消费税。I add the consumption tax.

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奖券是向傻瓜们征的税。Lottery is a tax on fools.

电子商务是否应该征税?。Should E-business pay tax?

这个价格是含税价。The price has included tax.

此价格是含税价!This price is tax included!

浪费纳税人的钱。Waste of tax payers' money.

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偷税漏税也是一种犯罪。Tax evasion is also a crime.

这个价格是含税价。This price is including tax.

以上价格均不含税。All prices not including tax.

要纳利息税吗?Do I have to pay interst tax?

嘿陈杰是它的税呢?Hey Chen Jie , is it the tax?

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而且,该市不征收州所得税。There is no state income tax.

你完税后净得多少?。What do you earn, net of tax?

政府当局开始对燃油征收一项新税。A new tax was imposed on fuel.