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中国的深入城镇化。Ever-deepening urbanization in China.

举行金砖国家城市化论坛。Meeting of the BRICS Urbanization Forum.

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农民的市民化是城市化的核心问题。Citizenization of farmers is central to urbanization.

其次,乡村化也是进步人国经济。Secondly, urbanization also raise our country economy.

专家们一致认为,新的城市化模式是至关紧要的。Experts agree that a new urbanization model is crucial.

我们应当重视中国的城市化水平。We should pay attention to the quality of urbanization.

城镇化是经济发展的一个关键组成部分。Urbanization is a key component of economic development.

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而这些,主要是由于不断增加的都市化造成的。Much of this, she says, is due to increased urbanization.

一九八零年,中国的城市化率,只有百分之十九。In 1980, China's rate of urbanization was only 19 per cent.

农民是城市化实践过程的重要主体。Peasantry is an important subject in the urbanization process.

这些景气兴废是乡村化所带回的确定。These prosperities are definitely brought by the urbanization.

社区党建工作是城市化推进过程中出现的一个新课题。Party construction is a new task in the process of urbanization.

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城市化是我国经济发展的必然趋势。Urbanization is inexorable trend of economic development in China.

城市化和剩余劳动力转移的动力机制。The dynamics of urbanization and transfer-out of rural labor surplus.

1978年以来,我国进入城市化高速发展阶段。Since 1978, China has stepped into a stage of high-speed urbanization.

统筹推进城镇化和新农村建设。We will balance promoting urbanization and building a new countryside.

城镇化是现代化进程的重要一环。Urbanization is an important part of modernization and economic growth.

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中国的城市化正在风起云涌地展开。The ongoing urbanization process is ceaselessly moving forward in China.

本文主要研究美国南部大城市休斯敦20世纪的城市化历程。The thesis mainly studies the Houstons urbanization in the 20th century.

城市生活垃圾是我国城市化过程中的一大难题。Urban domestic garbages are big problems in the process of urbanization.