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这一观点主要是关于术语的专门性的。This argument rests largely on a technicality.

上诉法院驳回了就技术细节问题的上诉。The Appeal Court rejected the appeal on a technicality.

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增税在任何赤字削减计划中似乎都是主要的技巧。It's as if tax increases were a mere technicality in any deficit-reduction plan.

掌握信息入口的网站对其他专门性网站是一个巨大的威胁。Grasps the information entry the website to other technicality website is a huge threat.

电子商务的技术性和潜在的经济利益孕育了电子商务专利。Technicality and potential economic interest of E-commerce gestate the E-commerce patent.

监听的技术性与秘密性决定了它在真实发现上的独到优势。The technicality and secrecy of interception determine its unique advantage in ascertaining the truth.

我一整天都想我是如何使用法律这个利器,让一个杀人犯重获自由。And all day long all I could think about is how I used a technicality in the law to help a murderer walk away a free man.

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介绍一种基于单片机的无触点补偿式大功率交流稳压器。The paper introduces a novel microcomputerbased with noncontact technicality of the high power AC compensated stabilizer.

所以「远」是使家从技术层面的问题,转入观念创作阶段的一个重要的中介者。Accordingly, "perspective" is the mediator through which a painter transfers from technicality to stage of ideal creation.

霸王龙学不会摔跤的招数,也许你能在这上面赢过它。“The T. rex probably couldn’t have done the arm-wrestling move, ” Conrad says. “So maybe you could get him on a technicality.”

田纳西最高法院后来确认这条法令符合宪法,但在技术上推翻斯考普斯的判罪。The Tennessee Supreme Court later upheld the constitutionality of the statute but overturned Scopes’ conviction on a technicality.

所以,当12月27日有消息说Ribadu先生正被迫辞职的时候,他的支持者感到非常沮丧。So the news on December 27th that Mr Ribadu is being forced to resign on a technicality has caused deep dismay among his supporters.

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在上世纪90年代他参与了反政府军事组织而且在被抓获时携带了制造炸弹的物质,但是最后因专门事项而获释。In the 1990s he associated with anti-government militia groups and was caught with bomb-making materials but freed on a technicality.

在上世纪90年代他参与了反政府军事组织而且在被抓获时携带了制造炸弹的物质,但是最后因专门事项而获释。In the 1990s he associated with anti-government militia groups and was caught with bomb-making materials but freed on a technicality.

高校仪器设备维修与日常保养是一项综合性、复杂性、技术性较强的工作。The service and daily maintenance of college instruments and equipments is a job of great comprehensiveness, complexity and technicality.

11月24日,因为举行一次政治集会,他被拘留了5天。On Nov. 24, while holding a political rally in Moscow, he was arrested on a technicality and spent five days at Moscow's Petrovka 38 jail.

我们不能让从前的老规矩使得他们的投票和声音在选举中都被压下去了,听不到了。We cannot afford to let their votes and their voices sink and not be heard just because of a formal technicality in the electoral process.

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一个瑞士法庭,站在对冲基金一方,要求参照债务回笼法,但是从技术层面上被上诉法庭驳回了。Swiss court sided with the hedge funds, which had sued under a debt-collection law, but was overruled by an appeals court on a technicality.

该电视剧常常展示立案过程中的艰苦工作,例如一位法官可能因某一法律上的技术性问题而裁定警察提出的证据不可用。Episodes often depict the arduous work of building a case when, for example, a judge might suppress police evidence over a legal technicality.

它们各自之间没有联系,不像一套教科书那样,按照书中问题的难易程度,或专业的深浅分级别类。They are not related to one another as a series of textbooks, graded in difficulty or in the technicality of the problems with which they deal.