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这种腐蚀也是电池腐蚀。This corrosion is also galvanic.

用简式表示自发电池。A galvanic cell is represented by a diagram.

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用简式表示自发电池。A galvanic cell is represented by a diagram.

它通常是由卡上的流电源产生的。It is usually caused by galvanic sources on the card.

原脸部增加皮肤的吸收能力的产品。Galvanic facials increase the skin's ability to absorb products.

它们包括电化学设备,包括一个或更多的电流细胞。They consist of electrochemical devices, including one or even more galvanic cells.

原电池中具备较低电势的金属是阳极的而且会受到腐蚀。The metal with a lower potential in the galvanic cell will be anodic and will corrode.

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避免相异金属的电镀锈蚀腐蚀的方法包含涂漆和电镀。Measures to prevent galvanic corrosion of dissimilar metal include painting and plating.

皮电反应和心跳率都没有发生明显的增加。No significant increase was found neither in heart beat rate and galvanic skin responses.

如此一来,相接触的金属是铝和镉,而不会造成严重的电镀氧化。Thus metals in contact are aluminum and cadmium, and are not subject to serious galvanic attack.

这一下好象是触着电似的,“这是什么东西?”他咬紧牙齿说。He muttered between his teeth. It was as though he had received a galvanic shock. "What is this?"

的电连络中的时候,流电的腐蚀发生。Galvanic corrosion occurs when dissimilar metals are in electrical contact in the same electrolyte.

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进行了模拟原电池试验和预蠕变试样的应力腐蚀试验。Simulated galvanic cell tests and stress corrosion tests using pre-creeping specimens were conducted.

电化电流是由于污染和湿度引起的原电池行为而产生的电流。Electrochemical currents are generated by galvanic battery action caused by contamination and humidity.

铸铝-碳钢电偶腐蚀是工业水系统常见的腐蚀类型。The galvanic corrosion of cast aluminum carbon steel in industrial water system is a typical corrosion.

宏观腐蚀电池的电流分布与腐蚀电位有密切关系。The galvanic current distribution of macrocell is in good agreement with the images of corrosion potential.

两种金属的电位序差别愈大,对电位序高的金属的腐蚀作用愈强。The farther apart any two metals are, the stronger the corroding effect on the higher one in the galvanic series.

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研究了国产纯钛和碳钢Q235在青岛近海海水中的电偶腐蚀情况。The galvanic corrosion characters of Q235 carbon steel and TA2 titanium in the off-shore area of Qingdao were studied.

当有腐蚀介质存在时,二者之间由于电极电位差的存在会发生电偶腐蚀。In the presence of corrosive medium, the galvanic corrosion will occur because of the potential difference between them.

以电测法为基础的方法可以用来测定气体的含氧量。Methods based on electrometric measurements involving a galvanic cell may be utilized to determine the oxygen content of a gas.