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葡萄糖氯化钠注射液…Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Inj.

葡萄糖液可用来供给水分。Dextrose solutions are useful for providing water.

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粉糖、硬糖、软糖、泡泡糖。Dextrose candy , hard candy, soft candy, bubble gum.

以确定影响暖气的样本,葡萄糖一水合物。To determine the effects of heating a sample of Dextrose Monohydrate.

氟碳气体声振右旋糖酐白蛋白是较好的经静脉声学造影剂。Perfluorocarbon-exposed sonicated dextrose albumin is a good intravenous contrast agent.

糖元不仅储存能量,还可分解成葡萄糖调节血糖浓度。Candy yuan store not only energy, dissoluble still into chroma of dextrose adjustment blood sugar.

为进行麦精处理使粮食发芽时,淀粉变成浆糊和葡萄糖。When grain is allowed to germinate for malting purposes, starch is changed to dextrine and dextrose.

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马铃薯葡萄糖液和枣叶汁可显著促进分生孢子萌发。The potato dextrose liquor and indian jujube leaf liquor could promote conidia germination obviously.

但在查氏培养基、马铃薯葡萄糖培养基和牛乳固态培养基中没有紫红色物质产生。However, the strain produced no mauve substance in Czapek's, potato dextrose agar, and milk solid media.

这亦是未知的所有水分,目前,在千牛及葡萄糖水合物可以予以消除。It is also unknown whether all the moisture present in the KN and the dextrose monohydrate can be eradicated.

不同麦芽糊精产品一般以葡萄糖当量和葡萄糖聚合度这两个指标区分产品级别。Different maltodextrins are distinguished by two indexes which are dextrose equivalent and degree of polymerisation.

一个250克重的样本,葡萄糖水合物是放置在一个不锈钢碗,并慢慢加热超过一电动元素。A 250 gram sample of dextrose monohydrate was placed in a stainless steel bowl and was slowly heated over an electric element.

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本文研究了以葡萄糖为原料,通过两步异构、一步催化还原的方法制备晶体甘露醇的生产过程。This paper studied the producing process of mannitol from dextrose by the method of two isomerous steps and one catalyze-deoxidize step.

典型的过敏反应,服用开瑞坦,外用止痒水,重者需静注葡萄糖酸钙。Typical allergy reacts take lucky level external use stops urticant water the person that weigh needs static note dextrose acerbity calcium.

花蜜的主要成分蔗糖转化为果糖和葡萄糖,除去多余的水分,即变成蜂蜜。The nectar is ripened into honey by inversion of most of its sucrose into the sugars levulose and dextrose and the removal of excess moisture.

典型的过敏反应,服用开瑞坦,外用止痒水,重者需静注葡萄糖酸钙。Typical allergy reacts, take lucky level, external use stops urticant water, the person that weigh needs static note dextrose acerbity calcium.

用于培养细菌和鉴别细菌发酵葡萄糖试验,还用于低酸性罐头食品商业无菌检验。For cultivating bacteria and differentiating bacteria base on dextrose fermentation, and for commercial sterility testing of low acid canned food.

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公司现建成全球最大的注射用葡萄糖、无水葡萄糖生产基地。Weifang Shengtai Medicine Co. , Ltd builds the largest production base of Dextrose Monohydrate Injection Grade and Dextrose Anhydrose in the world.

研究结果表明一定葡萄糖值的低粘度SSOS作为微胶囊壁材具有很好的包埋效果。The results indicated that low viscosity of SSOS with certain dextrose equivalent would be potential wall materials for microencapsulation of lemon oil.

因为这个原因,推荐病人到达门诊手术中心后,葡萄糖和胰岛素一起给予。For this reason, it is recommended that patients receive insulin along with a continuous infusion of dextrose on arrival at the ambulatory surgery facility.