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一点一滴,滋润心田。Bit by bit, moisten heart.

濡有点如果您有足够的水。Moisten it a bit if you have enough water.

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在涂擦洗液之前先把布弄湿。Moisten the cloth before applying the lotion.

天堂般的爱会滋润你贫瘠的灵魂。And heavenly love will moisten your arid soul.

听著这悲伤的故事,她的眼睛湿润了。Her eyes moisten as she listen to the sad story.

用茶壶的帮忙弄湿干的空气。Moisten the dry air with the help of a teakettle.

具备喷雾降尘功能,适宜降尘,湿润空气。Can be used to decrease the dust , moisten the air.

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行动像食物和水一样,能滋润我成功。Action, like the food and drink, can moisten my success.

春是清新的,伴随着细雨绵绵,滋润着大地。Spring gis pure and fresh, with rainy, moisten the earth.

把毛巾用冷水浸湿,缚在伤口处。Moisten the towel with cold water and apply it to the wound.

把毛巾用冷水浸湿,缚在伤口处。Moisten the tower with cold water and apply it to the wound.

去掉箔纸,用水湿润药栓。Remove the foil wrapper and moisten the suppository with water.

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滋润干燥的皮肤,抗老化、淡斑、调理、抗菌。Moisten dry skin. Anti- aging, melody speckle, resist bacterium.

我是幼苗,您是雨露,滋润我干枯的心田。I am your seedlings, is the rain and dew, moisten my withered heart.

亲爱的老师,您像绵绵春雨一样滋润着我们的心灵!Our beloved teacher , you are the spring shower that moisten our hearts!

首先,你应该小心的把它弄的微湿,我曾经在手指上吐唾沫。First slightly and carefully moisten the ball, I used spit on my fingertip.

充分湿润肌肤后,加以适量沐浴露轻揉全身,然后用清水彻底洗净。Moisten the skin and apply to the whole body during bath and rinse by clean water.

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强效保湿与润泽肌肤,消炎,平衡肌肤保湿度,能让皮肤光滑水嫩。Contains sepecial aloe that moisten the skin. It normalizes the cutaneous moisture level.

然后再涂抹上脚部护理专用乳液,滋润双脚的肌肤,使干燥肌肤回复柔软光滑。And then coated on foot care special emulsion, moisten feet skin, make dry skin soft and smooth.

用注有水的喷水壶将挡风玻璃润湿,然后打开挡风玻璃雨刷器。Use a spray bottle filled with water to moisten the windscreen and switch on the windscreen wiper.