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我也祝愿老总事业顺利,财源滚滚。I also wish the boss career, exchequer billow.

究竟算是偷金库还是偷民宅?。Be all steal exchequer or steal civilian curtilage?

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最近,这位前财政部大臣推出了自己的回忆录,书名题为“绝境逢生”。Now the former chancellor of the exchequer has published his memoirs.

财政大臣为我们日益减少的美元储备而叫苦。The chancellor of the Exchequer groaned about our dwindling dollar resources.

高铁应该提供给那些对国库贡献最多税收的邦。Bullet trains should be for those states who give maximum revenue to the exchequer.

吉姆•卡拉汉曾任英国财政大臣,于1965年引进公司税制度。Jim Callaghan, the Chancellor of the Exchequer who introduced corporation tax in 1965.

财政大臣拒绝金钟的计划,并敦促住宿与日本。The exchequer rejected the Admiralty 's plans and pressed for accommodation with Japan.

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出了细柳军营的大门,许多大臣都深感惊诧。Etiquette entertained the troops A fine willow camp gate, many exchequer was flabbergasted.

随着金融和财税体制改革的深入,客观要求建立国库支持系统。With fashion's embed on finance and tax system, exchequer sustain is required impersonally.

探索了在深化金融改革中,如何建立和完善国家金库管理体制。Explore how to based and consummate nation exchequer menage system on deepen finance fashion.

经济的增长以及长年通货紧缩的终结将为国家财政带来新的收入。Growth, and a definitive end to long years of deflation, would bring the exchequer fresh revenues.

看完财神庙,我们不妨焚香祈福,祈愿大家生意兴隆、财源滚滚。After the temple of the God of wealth, we might pray prayer incense, U. S. business Xinglong, exchequer billow.

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他们有相当大的监控权威,从而使财政署受到王权更加严密的控制。After it, Treasury and Exchequer were seperated from the Household in order to control finance for the kingship.

公共资金增加了59亿英磅——由国库和国家彩票支付。The public funding requirement has risen by 5.9 billion pounds -- to be paid by the Exchequer and the National Lottery.

当前他们最不愿意看到的就是此刻卡夫削减了财政部的数百万入帐,令现状雪上加霜。The last thing they need at the moment is for Kraft to add to the misery by depriving the exchequer of yet more millions".

在此之后,前财政大臣达林的宠物猫西比尔接替了汉弗莱的工作,但最后无功而返。After that, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling took over the pet cat Sybil Humphrey's work, but in the end failed.

然而一群匪徒却打起了大厦金库中存有的六亿多元公债券的主意。However a flock of bandit made the decision that certificate of some more than 600000000 yuan of bonds put in edifice exchequer however.

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克雷不接受泰勒的“国库体系”,而泰勒也对克雷的建立国家银行并在各州建立支行的法案进行了否决。He would not accept Tyler's "exchequer system," and Tyler vetoed Clay's bill to establish a National Bank with branches in several states.

通过将几个关键职位调动到苏黎世,美国食品巨头预计其缴纳的企业税将会减少,使得英国财政部少数百万进帐。By switching a few key roles to Zurich, the US food giant is expected to pay less corporation tax, depriving the exchequer of millions of pounds.

英国著名学者普勒专门论述了12世纪的财政署,详述了鼎盛期的财政署,阐述了英中古早期财政机构的演变,而对后期则无甚论述。The noted scholar Poole narrated Exchequer in the 12th century specially, he detailed early time of Exchequer , but concerned little about late time.