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克莱拉?埃莉斯Clara Elise.

克莱尔·伊莉斯Claire Elise.

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克莱尔·伊莉斯参选还是不参选更好呢Is Claire Elise doing better in or out?

我们一会再讨论这个理由We'll come back to Clara Elise in a second.

我也单身过,所以伊丽丝身上有很多我的影子。I've been single, so there's a lot of Elise in me.

此刻,伊莉丝。麦金娜就在皇家大酒店里。Elise McKenna is in this hotel at this very moment.

我们来考虑一下,回到克莱尔·伊莉斯这边So let's consider it, So come back to Claire Elise.

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克莱尔·伊莉斯参选还是不参选更好呢Is Claire Elise doing better in this election or out?

伊莉斯对亚历山大·皮尔斯的爱情,最终接受住了考验。Elise Alexander Pierce's love of final acceptance test, lived.

英国篇门萨称埃莉斯是有史以来年纪最年幼的会员。The UK chapter of Mensa says Elise is the youngest ever member.

英国门萨协会的章程中把埃利斯列为它们有史以来最年轻的会员。The UK chapter of Mensa says Elise is the youngest-ever member.

我想我是对的,所以克莱尔·伊莉斯获胜I guess I did count right, so Claire Elise turned out to win this.

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我们来看看发生了什么,比阿特丽斯和你的名字是,克莱尔·伊莉斯Let's see what happened, so we have Beatrice and your name is Claire Elise.

所以克莱尔·伊莉斯将在此选举中获胜,因为她多得了一票So Claire Elise is going to win this election because she got one more vote.

这幅由伊利斯拍摄的刊登在简单食谱上的图片充分地说明了这一点。And this photo, taken by Elise at Simply Recipes, beautifully illustrates why.

事实上,据大部分的历史学家所言,贝多芬并不认识一个叫爱丽丝的女孩。In fact, as far as most historians can tell, Beethoven didn’t even know an Elise.

很好,这不可能是个均衡因为,如果克莱尔·伊莉斯站起来会怎么样Good, this can't be an equilibrium because look what happens if Claire Elise stands a second.

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其他的财政支持者包括沃尔特和伊利斯·哈斯基金会和迪安·维特基金会。Other financial supporters include the Walter and Elise Haas Fund and the Dean Witter Foundation.

警长下令全狙黑帮,伊莉斯解除特工身份,警察终止监视。The sheriff ordered the police gangs, Elise remove agents identity, police terminate surveillance.

埃利斯是科尔曼的主要顾问,目前还不清楚埃利斯是否会保住他的职位。Elise is main adviser of Colman, whether can not clear still Elise maintain his position at present.