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你有什么特别的偏好吗?Do you have any preferences?

他们两人的偏好就是这样的So these are the preferences.

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是否愿意助养有特殊需要的孩子?If not, what are your preferences?

下面是我的密友喜欢的围巾样式及颜色。Belows are my secret pal's preferences.

我们的偏好其实是“随大流”的。Our preferences are shaped by the masses.

这些喜好被适度地说了出来。These preferences are temperately stated.

首先,您需要设置工作区参数。First, you need to set workspace preferences.

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婴儿出生便拥有一定的社交偏好Babies start off with some social preferences.

偏食的改变需要时间来发生。Changes in food preferences take time to happen.

在您的首选项页面中有两个首选项。In your preference page, you have two preferences.

所有的R13版本都使用R13参数目录。All R13 releases use the R13 preferences directory.

在首选项页面中,有三个首选项。In your preference page, you have three preferences.

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人们对此的决定都是依据本人的择取。People decide according to their personal preferences.

妮娜的偏好就是参与人1的偏好So Nina's preferences are Player 1's preferences here.

ly可以记录我们的偏好,然后学会跟我们合作。ly records our preferences and learns to work with us.

音乐社区对众多音乐种类偏爱的快照。Music community's preferences for various musical items.

对狗品种的偏好转变是另一个上升趋势。A shift in dog breed preferences is another rising trend.

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定制该小部件的设置和用户首选项的值。Customize the gadget settings and user preferences values.

请检查“管理”菜单里的软件首选项。Check your software preferences in the menu "Adminstration".

择友倾向中的性别差异和文化差异。Sex differences and cultural variations in mate preferences.