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写它的悲悼。And write about it mourning.

黑色是居丧的象征。Black is a token of mourning.

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他是主持丧事的大师。He is the Master of Mourning.

她为她死去的孩子哀痛不已。She is mourning her dead child.

图茨先生是穿着丧服的。Mr Toots was dressed in mourning.

她身穿素服。She is in a white mourning dress.

又以丧为仁之端。Ren again for the end of mourning.

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现在,她正在为你守丧。Right now, she's mourning for you.

所以,法国进入国丧So,France goes into great mourning.

而且——我想——结束我的伤痛。And -- I guess -- to finish mourning.

莉莉和海伦都在带孝。Lily as well as Helen was in mourning.

我们在这一时刻与他们共同哀悼。We join them in this time of mourning.

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不要向服丧期的人们问候拜年。Don't greet people who are in mourning.

他为妻子穿孝。He wore mourning for his deceased wife.

在伊朗,蓝色是丧服的颜色。In Iran, blue is the color of mourning.

在中国和日本,白色表示哀悼。White means mourning in China and Japan.

对我来说,这一天就是哀悼和痛苦的一天。For me it is a day of mourning and grief.

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那么什么才是“成功”的哀悼呢?So what constitutes “success” in mourning?

这种哀恸,是一种属神的哀恸。This type of mourning is a godly mourning.

对于所有夏威夷人来说那一天是值得哀悼的。For most Hawaiians it was a day of mourning.