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只有王妃的姑母坐在屋子的角落里,不以为然地喝着茶。The Rani's aunt sat in a corner of the room, drinking tea disapprovingly.

可我也注意到盥洗槽旁边有个女人,她一直看着我,还不以为然地摇着头。I also noticed a woman at a sink nearby watching me and shaking her head disapprovingly.

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赫敏噔噔地走上楼来,不满地看着哈利手里的包裹。Hermione was stomping up the stairs looking disapprovingly at the package in Harry's hand.

伯爵夫人不以为然地忿忿地摇摇头以反对宣言的每一个雄壮威严的句子。The countess shook her head disapprovingly and wrathfully at every solemn expression in the manifesto.

“如果真爱对方,他们完全没有必要这样做,”叔叔不以为然地低声说。"If they really loved each other they wouldn`t feel the need to do that, " he muttered disapprovingly.

“如果真爱对方,他们完全没有必要这样做,”叔叔不以为然地低声说。"If they really loved each other they wouldn’t feel the need to do that, " he muttered disapprovingly.

她有张刁钻刻薄的小嘴,每次丈夫写日记时就不满地撇起来。She had a small, mean mouth that curled disapprovingly each time her husband wrote something in his diary.

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真正的梦是指那些,梦见自己在潜艇里和鸡摔跤,而你奶奶在一旁看得不以为然。So, real dreams are you're in a submarine wrestling a chicken while your grandmother looks disapprovingly on.

男人若不认同女人的感觉,女人又以否定来回应他,大部分的争论就会因此扩大。Most arguments escalate when a man begins to invalidate a woman's feelings and she responds to him disapprovingly.

在一次庭审期间,卡普兰对跑到国外去代表外国客户起诉美国公司的美国律师不以为然。During one hearing, Kaplan mused disapprovingly about American attorneys who travel abroad to represent foreign clients suing U.S. companies.

高飞惊喜地发现沈心和关云山的关系良好,似乎有发展可能,沈心不以为然地否认。Goofy surprised to find that the relationship between heart and yun-shan guan shen is good, seems to have development possible, shen heart disapprovingly.

一位女店主还不以为然地说,“认证标是什么啊?2块钱就能买到一个,反正你也不知道真假。”A female shopkeeper was also disapprovingly said, "What is the certification standard ah? 2 money could buy one, anyway you do not know the true and false."

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里面的人然后操纵各种杠杆让机器人动起来,机器人可以拿起棋子甚至对着棋手不满地摇头来作弊。The person inside would then use various levers to make the Turk move, pick up chess pieces and even shake his head disapprovingly at opponents trying to cheat.

的初衷是为了让孩子独自公开尴尬甚至羞辱的事,将“中国式”养老是一个笑话,不以为然地公开展示?" Is the intention to let the children alone publicly embarrassed or even humiliating thing will be able to be "Chinese-style elder" as a joke disapprovingly public display?