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什么机理导致了睡眠和患感冒的几率?What mechanisms might link sleep to cold susceptibility?

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革兰阳性球菌敏感性最高为万古霉素。Gram-positive cocci highest susceptibility to vancomycin.

东株叮嘱母亲不准应用敏秀。East plant told mother no application susceptibility show.

有限的证据认为鹿和猪有易感性。Limted evidence suggests susceptibility in deer and swine.

因此,常规进行真菌的体外药敏试验是非常必要的。So it is necessary to do fungi susceptibility test in vitro.

气喘病人对病毒性病变的敏感性增加了。Asthmatics have an increased susceptibility to viral illnesses.

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磁组构是指磁化率的各向异性。The magnetic fabric means the anisotropy of the susceptibility.

她说这一点有可能被误述。She says that there is susceptibility of it being a misstatement.

在不同频率下测量零偏场下的交流磁化率。Zero bias field susceptibility was measured at different frequencies.

持续言语是指对既往刺激的抗干扰能力受损。Perseveration is susceptibility to interference from previous stimuli.

结论GSTM1基因可作为肺癌遗传易感性标志物。Conclusion GSTM1 played a biomarker role in lung cancer susceptibility.

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测定结果表明,磁处理效果与磁介质的磁化率有关。The higher the solidifying point, the smaller the magnetic susceptibility.

世卫组织对流行流感病毒的抗病毒药物易感性进行监测。WHO monitors antiviral susceptibility in the circulating influenza viruses.

它甚至会增加对原先想要制服的病毒的易感性。It may even have promoted susceptibility to the virus it was trying to curb.

黄铜制品极易变色,须进行钝化处理。Brass products are usually passivated for their susceptibility to tarnishing.

大链壶菌对三属蚊幼虫的比较灭蚊实验。Comparative Experiments of Larval Susceptibility of Three Mosquito Species to.

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对热害的敏感性则受遗传所控制的因素的影响。Susceptibility to heat damage is influenced by genetically controlled factors.

这也就意味着它们拥有对同一系列疾病敏感的基因。That means they share a genetic susceptibility to the same strains of disease.

均能提高焊缝金属的热裂纹敏感性。Mn, Si, Bi, S and P increase the hot-cracking susceptibility of the weld metal.