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她在上周补考了一次化学。He retook the chemistry paper last week.

他们夺回军港中的一个要塞。They retook a fortress in the naval port.

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他再一次拿起我的手放在他的前额上。He retook my hand and placed it on his forehead.

我军终于夺回了要塞,但损失严重。Our troops finally retook the stronghold but suffered great loss.

在1598年夺回拉布的基督徒,但他们的围攻布达失败。In 1598 the Christians retook Raab, but their siege of Buda failed.

例如,在穆罕穆德重新夺回圣城时,他特赦了所有败在他手下的阿拉伯教徒。For example, when he retook Mecca, he granted amnesty to all of the Arab pagans he defeated.

他们鼎盛一时、错综复杂的城邦文明瓦解了,丛林再次占领了城市中心。Their complex civilization of powerful city-states collapsed, and the jungle retook those urban centers.

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布什白宫和国会冷冰冰的关系早已是声名狼藉----甚至在2006年民主党重夺国会之前就是这样了。Relations between the Bush White House and Congress were notoriously frosty—even before Democrats retook it in 2006.

一艘在索马里海域被劫持的美国船只在船员重新获得船只的控制权后,现在已经回到了他们的手里。A US vessel seized by pirates off Somalia is now back in the hands of the crew after they retook control of the ship.

叙利亚政府声称,在周日击溃了躲藏在拉斯特中心的反叛城镇内的“武装恐怖分子”之后,其已重新控制了该地区。The government said it retook control of the rebellious central town of Rastan Sunday after hunting down "armed terrorists" holed up inside.

因发生泄题事件,另行组织的2010年度广西考试录用公务员公共科目笔试25日举行,共有80125名考生参加了当天的考试。A total of 80125 applicants Sunday retook the written test to select civil servants in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region after the initial exam papers were leaked.

肯·雷在休息了6个月之后于2001年8月重新执掌安然公司首席执行官的大权,不久安然就成了美国历史上最大的申请破产的公司。Ken Lay retook the chief executive’s role at Enron in August 2001 after a break of six months and shortly before the firm made the biggest bankruptcy filing in American history.

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当他们睡醒再次做测试时,其中那25个小憩期间被播放的声音对应的物体会被更好地放入原位,尽管没有一个人称自己在睡眠过程中听到了声音。And when the subjects woke up and retook the test, they were better at placing the 25 objects that sounded off during the siesta. Even though none of them reported actually hearing anything.

尽管有点担心,威廉姆还是一个人去了学校,还和学校达成了功识——如果他再修一些暑期的主要课程并且通过了,他就可以跟着原来的班上12年纪了。In spite of being scared, William went alone to the school and negotiated an agreement that he could go on to the 12th grade with his class if he retook some key courses in summer school and passed.

与此同时,利比亚政府允许外国记者访问黎波里西部扎维耶。这些记者报道了支持卡扎菲的军队在最近的战斗中重新控制该城镇后的灾难景象。Meanwhile, foreign journalists allowed by the Libyan government to visit the town of Zawiya, west of Tripoli, report scenes of devastation after pro-Gaddafi forces retook the town in recent fighting.

第三,选择复读也表现了复读生对自己目标的锲而不舍,显示出复读生的一种人格力量和坚韧不拔的精神。Third, the choice retook courses also displays has retaken courses lives to own goal never saying die, demonstrated retook courses the fresh one kind of personality strength and the tenacious spirit.