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返回当前设置地应用回调。Returns the currently-set application callable.

取出一个可调用内建类型的参数类型。Extracts the parameter types of a callable , builtin type.

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可赎回的证券可称为在不同的价格比标准杆。Callable securities could be called at different prices than par.

服务是能够通过网络访问的可调用例程。A service is a callable routine that is made available over a network.

非数据描述符最常用于返回一个可调用对象。The non-data descriptor is likely to be used to return a callable object.

可随时通知债务人偿还的贷款,又称可收回贷款。A loan that must repaid upon the lender's demand. Also called callable loan.

最终,你将创建越来越多的可调用的例行程序来支持测试。Eventually, you create more and more of these callable routines to support the tests.

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相反,他们处理可调用例行程序提供的抽象注册界面。Instead, they deal with the abstract login interface that the callable routine provides.

其程序用8088汇编语言编制,为可供FORTRAN语言调用的子程序。The programs are written in the 8088 assembly in te form of FORTRAN callable subroutines.

国债可能在给定的期限,通常是国债的最后五年被赎回。T-bonds may be callable during a given period, usually the last five years of the bond’s life.

相对于司库零息票利率曲线我们计算一个可赎回公司债。We compute the static spread on a callable corporate bond relative to the Treasury spot curve.

初始法定股本分为实缴股本和待缴股本。The original authorized capital stock shall be divided into paid-in shares and callable shares.

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有一个很好的实现动态并行约简算法调用内核?Is there a good implementation of reduction algorithm callable from kernel with dynamic parallelism?

准投资者在决定投资「可赎回」ELI前,务须先阅览各披露文件。Prospective investors should read each Disclosure Document before deciding to invest in a Callable ELI.

—可赎回债券赋予公司一项权利,可以从持有者手中以特定的赎回价格回购债券。Callable bonds give the firm the option to repurchase the bond from the holder at a stipulated call price.

函数也可以从命令行调用,它们填补了别名与完全成熟的脚本之间的空缺。Functions are callable from the command line, too, and fill the gap between an alias and a full-blown script.

您不必完全理解它们就能意识到,它们针对来自用户的操作创建可调用的命令。You do not need to fully understand them to realize that they create callable commands as actions from the users.

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你可以在每一个测试程序中通过复制代码来为注册用户编号,或者你可以使它成为一个单一的,可调用的例行程序。You could copy the code to handle the login into every test program, or you can make it into a single, callable routine.

判定一个给定的类型是否为可调用内建类型,可以通过属性标签额外指定属性。Determines whether a given type is a callable builtin , possibly with additional properties as specified by a property tag.

为了重用不同工具的逻辑,需要有易于调用且松耦合的信息服务。In order to reuse the logic in different tools, easily callable and loosely-coupled information services need to be in place.