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巴尔博亚不分什么的乱打!Balboa is trying to hit anything and anywhere !

包尔波亚没有想到他已发现了一个大海洋。Balboa had no idea that he had discovered an ocean.

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但我只想给洛奇?巴尔博一个正面的结局。But I just wanted to end Rocky Balboa on a positive note.

巴尔博亚是一位以勇猛和喜欢争吵闻名的年轻人。Balboa had a reputation as a fierce and quarrelsome young man.

对巴尔博亚岛作为让你感觉好像你有多少时间去背。Being on Balboa Island makes you feel as if you have somehow gone back in time.

住区填补朝鲜半岛,西新港,巴尔博亚岛和丽都岛。Settlements filled in on the Peninsula, West Newport, Balboa Island and Lido Isle.

下湾包括巴尔博亚岛,湾岛,港岛,丽都岛岛和琳达。The Lower Bay includes Balboa Island, Bay Island, Harbor Island, Lido Isle and Linda Isle.

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巴尔博亚岛纽波特港内卷起,由沙滩和平静的海湾水域包围。Balboa Island is tucked inside Newport Harbor and is surrounded by sandy beaches and calm bay waters.

在达里安拆开四只小船,包尔波亚把拆开的船块搬过大山。Four small ships were taken apart at darien and balboa caused the pieces to be carried over the mountains.

但帕德拉里亚斯是个卑鄙、阴险之徒,他决心要置巴尔博亚和他的支持者于困境。But Badrarias was a mean, spiteful man and determined to make life difficult for Balboa and his supporters.

同年,巴尔沃亚跨过了巴拿马地峡到达了太平洋。Also in Fifteen-Thirteen, Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean.

如果不爱洗澡的男人穿上这件浴袍会感觉已经出局了!For men who don't 'cleanse', you'll feel a knock-out in the spectacular Rocky Balboa Dressing Gown Bathrobe!

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有一周,我驾车到她居住的纽波特海岸附近,我们便开始在Balboa岛上散步。One week I drive to her Newport Beach neighborhood and we walk "the island" — Balboa Island, for the uninitiated.

在那场堪称电影史上最赏心悦目的拳赛情节上,伊凡·德拉戈和洛奇·巴伯数个回合针锋相对。In what is probably one of the most enjoyable boxing scenes in cinema history, Ivan Drago and Rocky Balboa go toe-to-toe for several rounds.

哈奇森·惠姆波公司将有权在第一次租赁期满后把对克里斯托瓦尔和巴尔博亚港的经营管理权延长25年。Hutchison Whampoa will have the right to extend operation of the Cristobal and Balboa ports for another 25 years after the initial lease expires.

她看得到那些已经去世、现在住在阴间的鬼,那些鬼会从冥界来拜访她位于旧金山巴尔博亚街的厨房。She sees those who have died and now dwell in the World of Yin, ghosts who leave the mists just to visit her kitchen on Balboa Street in San Francisco.

他于70年代早期从影,不过在70年代末方才真正以“意大利种马”洛奇·巴伯的形象大杀四方。He started in films in the early ’70s, but really increased in popularity in the late 70s with his portrayal of the “The Italian Stallion” Rocky Balboa.

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西班牙探险家达伽马努涅斯的巴尔博亚港和他的手下是第一批欧洲人穿越丛林厚在巴拿马的大西洋海岸到太平洋海岸。Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa and his men were the first Europeans to travel through the thick jungles in Panama from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast.