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再往前行,很快就来的汤浦水库了。Walking ahead, very soon I reached Tang Pu Reservior.

制动气室,动力转向油罐,储气筒。Brake chamber, power steering oil tank, air reservior.

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终于见到剡源水库的一个分岔的尾部了。At last we saw the end of one branch of the Shan Yuan Reservior.

田庄水库是沂源县城区的主要后备水源地。Qiuzhuang reservior is one of the main water sources in Tangshan city.

通过对南湾水库6个采样点浮游硅藻分析,该水库硅藻61个种及种下分类单元。An analysis of six samples in Nanwan Reservior indicated that there were 61 taxa of diatom.

洮河九甸峡水库是一座综合利用水利枢纽。Jiudianxia Reservior is a multipurpose water conservancy complex constructed on Taohe river.

“嘉祥寨”砂岩位于上沙溪庙组第一亚段,是该区主要储层,是下一步进行浅层勘探开发的重要目标。"Jiaxiangzai "sand is the main one, which is the important reservior of shallow that will be exploited.

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水蓄冷槽是空调水蓄冷系统中的核心设备之一。Reservoir cooling tank is one of essential equipment of reservior cooling system used in air conditioner.

在人工坝高超高设计方法中,库区风速、浪高等是影响坝高的因素。The speed of wind and the height of reservior wave are important factors influencing height of landslide-dam.

储层微型构造是在总的油田构造背景上,储层顶底面的微细起伏变化所显示的小构造。Reservior micro structure is a small subclass on the oilfield structure because of fine distinction of the layers depth.

各种成岩作用的叠加形成了现今下二叠统油气储层的分布格局。The Lower permian oil-gas reservior distribution is configured by overprinting of the above mentioned diagenetic processes.

利用生物陶粒对深圳水库水进行了生物预处理现场试验研究。In this paper, using bio ceramic reactor as the pretreatment method, the reservior source water in Shenzen City was treated.

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评价结果表明,四道河水库的建设将会促进老牛河区域社会的发展。The conclusion of the evaluation was that the Sidao river reservior can improve the social development of Laoniu river basin.

溶蚀作用的发育程度受控于储层砂体的沉积和岩石学特征以及早期成岩发育程度。The development of dissolution is controlled by sedimentary and lithological features of reservior sands, and early diagenesis.

老河口油田桩106地区馆陶组是曲流河道砂体成藏。Guantao Formation reservior in Zhuang 106 well-block is the subtle lithological reservoir formed in meandering river environment.

对三峡库区移民迁建城市巫山和奉节松散堆积体进行了灌浆加固试验。A grouting strengthen test for large scale loosen deposited mass is applied to the relocation sites in the Three Gorges reservior.

火山岩体的储集性能与这三个相带密切相关,油气主要分布在火山爆发相和火山溢流相带。The reservior properties are closely related with the three facies. Oil is mainly distributed in the explosive and effusive facies.

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文章介绍在白河水库堤体工程施工中,采用束窄河床方式分期导流的方案。In this paper, The plan of stage diversion by contraction river bed in the construction of dam body of Baisa Reservior is introduced.

处于盐湖沉积中心的砂体厚度薄,展布范围小,处于不利的沉积相带。Nevertheless sand-shale of ring sedimentary belt in salt lake has good reservior characteristics which is lithology hydrocarbon reservior.

以琼东南盆地梅山组盖层为例,进行了区域性盖层对天然气藏形成过程中控制作用的分析。Taking Meishan group in Nanhai Basin as an example, this paper analyses the control action of regional seal to the formation of gas reservior.