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数十年的压力会严重破坏你的健康。Decades of stress can wreak havoc on your health.

这些毒性分子会进入细胞内并造成严重破坏。These can get inside the cells and really wreak havoc.

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它没有降低电脑网络运行速度,也没有造成大规模破坏。It did not slow computer networks or wreak general havoc.

怯懦的人总是把满腹牢骚向温和的人发泄。Timid people always wreak their peevishness on the gentle.

不过,就算你真吞下去了,口香糖能搞出多大的破坏呢?But if that were true, what kind of havoc would that wreak?

他发誓要报复对自己不忠、爱偷东西的妻子。He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful, thieving wife.

相反的,HPV中的蛋白质在那个区域对健康的细胞进行破坏。Instead, proteins within HPV wreak havoc on healthy cells in that area.

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不过,内生性结构的影响会严重打击这一理论。But the effects of endogenous structure can wreak havoc with this theory.

这样的话,开发人员就可以在程序给用户造成麻烦前修复它。In that case, you can fix it before it starts to wreak havoc in users' lives.

一旦释放到大气中,甲烷可能给全球气候造成严重破坏。Once released into the atmosphere, methane could wreak havoc with the world's climate.

这可能杀死数百万人,并在中国内地要害部位造成严重破坏。This could kill millions of people and wreak havoc on a vital part of China’s midland.

这种关系不仅会反过来伤害你,而且它的负面影响是深远而广泛的。Not only will such a relationship come back to bite you, it will wreak havoc far and wide.

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这种病毒通过主干线,一路繁殖,渐渐扩大范围造成严重破坏。Coursing through arteries, replicating along the way, edging into new sites to wreak havoc.

价格大战通常损失严重,因为他们破坏了整个行业的定价机制。Usually, price wars wreak havoc because they erode the pricing power of an entire business.

没人拥有代码时,人们可以随处进行破坏而不必负任何责任。When nobody owns code, people can wreak havoc anywhere they want and bear no responsibility.

不过它们还是造成了一定程度的破坏,世界各地都有计算机被锁的报道。Still, it did wreak a certain amount of low-grade havoc, freezing computers across the world.

确保你的部队有蜂群跟随以便对抗火箭兵,因为它们会对搜索者产生很大威胁。Make sure you have Buzzers with you to counter Rocketmen, since they can wreak havoc on Seekers.

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尼拉塞克是个叛从!如果巴尔拿到圣物,他会进入山中并发洩他的破坏力量!Nihlathak is a traitor! If Baal gets the Relic, he shall enter the mountain and wreak havoc there!

宠物的毛发和头屑也会对本本的排风扇和冷却系统造成严重的问题,并引起高温。Pet hair and dander can wreak serious havoc with your fans and cooling systems and cause overheating.

他的对信仰的坚定使他能够祝福自己的战友,伸张正义。His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes.