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我们有意向在非糖尿病患者中开展临床研究。We are now starting clinical studies in nondiabetic patients.

之后,血小板抑制作用在有糖尿病和无糖尿病患者中相似。Thereafter, platelet inhibition was similar in diabetic and nondiabetic patients.

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核准标示外使用包括头疼,非糖尿病引起的神经痛和肌骨骼疼。The off-label uses included headaches, nondiabetic nerve pain and musculoskeletal pain.

或许正常小鼠的脾脏细胞,可以教导糖尿病小鼠的免疫系统不再攻击胰岛组织。Here spleen cells from a nondiabetic mouse would teach a diabetic immune system how to be nondiabetic.

非糖尿病患者中,胰岛素抵抗和弱性心肺功能存在有显著的相关性。There is a significant association between insulin resistance and low cardiorespiratory fitness in nondiabetic subjects.

移植物和患者的生存率与ANCA相关性血管炎的患者相比,那些在非糖尿病患者中观察到。Graft and patient survival rates among patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis are comparable to those observed in nondiabetic patients.

方法对非糖尿病性动脉硬化患者49例,糖尿病性动脉硬化患者76例的造影结果进行了分析。Methods Angiographic results of 49 patients with nondiabetic atherosclerosis and 76 patients with diabetic atherosclerosis were analyzed.

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要理解是否纠正非糖尿病患者的高血糖状态可降低感染风险需要另外的研究。Additional work is needed to understand whether the correction of elevated blood sugar in nondiabetic patients reduces the risk of infection.

据加拿大的研究人员报告,食用富含植物甾醇的食物可降低糖尿病和非糖尿病患者的LDL和非HDL胆固醇水平。Plant sterols are efficacious in lowering plasma LDL and non-HDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic persons.

因此糖尿病患者的血液、尿液及呼出的气体内含丙酮的量较一般健康的人高。Therefore, the diabetic patient has a higher acetone concentration in their expiration gas, blood, or spittle than that of a nondiabetic people.

目的在浦东社区非糖尿病人群调查的基础上,探讨肥胖型高血压和瘦素抵抗的关系。Objective To explore, in a community-based study of nondiabetic individuals, the relationship between obesity-related hypertension and leptin resistance.

Karunakar和Staples介绍了压力诱发高血糖在110名非糖尿病骨科创伤患者感染率中的作用。Karunakar and Staples recently presented the effects of stress-induced hyperglycemia on the rates of infection in 110 nondiabetic orthopaedic trauma patients8.

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有神经病变或血管病变的糖尿病患者与无这些合并疾病的糖尿病患者和非糖尿病患者相比,并发症的发生率更高。Diabetic patients with neuropathy or vasculopathy have higher complication rates than both diabetic patients without these comorbidities and nondiabetic patients.

方法分析接受了颈椎椎板成形术的20例糖尿病患者和20例非糖尿病患者的配对资料。Methods 20 patients with diabetes mellitus who underwent cervical laminoplasty and 20 nondiabetic patients who underwent the same surgical procedure were included.

科学家检测患糖尿病及非患糖尿病非裔美国妇女志愿者的血样中微量分子后确认这点。The scientists determined this after searching for telltale molecules in blood samples from diabetic and nondiabetic African-American women who volunteered for the research.

结果暗示出糖尿病青少年患者对健康饮食由一个基本的了解,与非糖尿病儿童一样面临着健康饮食的辅助与障碍。Findings suggest that youth with diabetes have a general understanding of healthy eating and face similar barriers and facilitators to healthy eating as nondiabetic children do.

卡维地洛与美托洛尔相比,没有明显降低糖尿病和非糖尿病患者的死亡风险。Treatment with carvedilol was associated with a nonsignificant risk reduction for mortality compared with metoprolol for diabetic and nondiabetic patients, the researchers note.

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这个吸收方面的担心似乎是毫无根据的,因为数据显示,糖尿病患者摄入黄烷醇后的血浆水平与非糖尿病患者一致。That absorption concern is apparently unwarranted, as these data suggest flavanol intake in diabetics results in plasma levels consistent with those observed in nondiabetic patients.

相比于非糖尿病患者,糖尿病患者有较高的感染和非感染的并发症,且总体住院时间增加。Compared with nondiabetic patients, diabetic patients had higher rates of infectious and noninfectious complications, as well as higher lengths of stay overall and in the intensive care unit.