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他是秘银大厅的牧师。He is the dwarf cleric of Mithril Hall.

秘银的特工压低身子,严肃地凝视着这个6个月大的孩子。Crouching low, the Mithril agent leveled the six-month-old a serious stare.

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我仅仅在密银厅与银月城之间的五天短暂的旅程中才会带上武器。I wear my weapons only on my five-day journeys between Mithril Hall and Silvery-moon.

秘银的军士歪着头想要看清那些潜伏在阴影中的奇怪物体。The Mithril sergeant squinted, head cocked as he tried to distinguish the strange forms that lurked in the gloom.

未来的牌组将包括专业相关的卡片,比如铁匠的密银勋章和覆没的山脉火焰之心。Future sets will include cards like Glimmering Mithril Insignia for Blacksmiths and Smoking Heart of the Mountain for Enchanters.

魔索布莱城两万名卓尔中,有一半参加了对秘银厅的进军,却无人知晓究竟有多少人能回来。Fully half of Menzoberranzan's twenty thousand drow had marched upon Mithril Hall, and no one knew for certain how many had returned.

虽然不如铸造密银的火焰之心那么强大,工匠大厅却是卡扎德杜姆中最盛产矮人铸造产品的地方。While not as powerful as the Heart of Fire, where mithril was refined and forged, it was the most prolific of the dwarf-forges of Khazad-dûm.

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秘银马刺和手套骑乘附魔加速坐骑速度,任务奖励胡萝卜提供同样的好出。Mithril Spurs and a the riding enchantment for gloves are gear enhancements that improve mounted speed. The quest reward Carrot on a Stick grants the same benefit.

魔索布莱的卓尔们依然未能从动荡之年中的魔法混乱,以及后来惨败于秘银厅矮人中摆脱出来。The drow of Menzoberranzan were still staggering from the disruption of magic during the Time of Troubles, and from their defeat at the hands of Mithril Hall's dwarves.

秘银厅被恢复后,他回来帮助对抗黑暗精灵,他总是采取近战方式,长于突刺和大范围攻击。He comes after Mithril Hall has been reclaimed and helps in the fight with the dark elves. His fighting style consist of close range fighting, biting, and trashing around.

狗头人、牛头人、还有地精都被征召当做了炮灰,成千地倒在秘银厅矮人的战斧和联盟的弓剑之下。这些奴隶原本承担的工作现在也无人去做了。Kobolds, minotaurs, and goblinkin had been drafted as battle fodder, and they had fallen by the thousand to the axes of Mithril Hall's dwarves and to the swords and arrows of their allies.