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在冰上跑是不可取的。Running on the ice is inadvisable.

这一点不宜过分强调。It's inadvisable to overemphasize this point.

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法官认为听取这个上诉不明智。The judge deemed it inadvisable to hear the appeal.

人们认为年轻女子独自去那里是极不妥当的。It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone.

无论是“半自治论”、“虚化论”还是“取消论”在目前都不适合乡镇政府改革的实际。It's inadvisable to adopt the half self-governance, canceling or nominal concept.

婴幼儿大脑尚未发育完善,因此,家庭不宜使用蚊香等。Applying mosquito coil incense to household use relating to infant brain development is inadvisable.

在个罪意义的立法和司法操作中也不宜于对教唆犯单独定罪。And it is inadvisable to criminate the abettor separately by the aspect of legislation and judicature.

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现浇混凝土挡土墙以及在繁重的工作或不稳定的土壤和陡坡作出其他墙壁不明智的。Poured concrete retaining walls work well where heavy or unstable soil and steep slopes make other walls inadvisable.

更常见但仍不可取的是,改变操作符的“正常”含义以强行适应给定类型。More common, but still inadvisable , are uses that contort an operator's "normal" meaning to force a fit to a given type.

在现有的经济技术条件下,黑斑矿应确定为次边际经济资源,暂无开采利用价值。The black-spot ore is sub-marginal economical resources and inadvisable to utilize at the present technical and economic conditions.

如果现在让我来回答那位董事的问题,我会说,在这个股东积极维权的时代里,不说话也许是失策的。Were I to answer the director's question now, I would say that not speaking is probably inadvisable in this age of shareholder activism.

考虑到密钥存储库中信息的敏感性,即使将它放在可通过网络访问的共享文件系统中,也是不妥当的。Given the sensitive nature of the information in the keystore, even placing it on a shared network accessible file system is inadvisable.

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因此,樟子松在辽东山区只适宜在较差立地上营造生态公益林,不宜作为培育用材林的树种。Therefor, it is only suitable to be used in building ecological commonweal forest, and inadvisable to be used in cultivating timber forest.

旅游度假区起步阶段规划不宜过大,应从小到大,逐步发展。It's inadvisable to establish too large-scale national tourist vacation areas in the opening stages. They should gradually develop from small to large.

分析了手温对万能量具检定时的影响,说明了在长度尺寸测量中,用手直接拿量块测量是不可取的。The effect of hand heat on the universal gauge during test is analysed. The method that taking gauge with hand to test the length dimension is inadvisable.

当前没有一支英国球队具备在技术上与巴萨较量的能力,任何球队试图这么做可能都是很不明智的,特别当他们还想拿英超冠军的话。No English team are currently set up to match them for skill, and it may even be inadvisable for any to try to do so if they also want to win the Premier League.

备用机场,当不可能或不适宜在预选机场着陆时,可作着陆使用的场机。ALTERNATE AERODROME, An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or land at the aerodrome of intended landing.

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计算表明,空间线型预应力筋水平投影的曲率不宜太大,线型不宜太复杂,应尽量选择单波形曲线。The results show that it is inadvisable to select a large curvature of horizontal projection and a complicated space curve, while the use of single waved curve would be better.

临界获利率,最低预期资本回收率指政府或公司为了引导投资决策,结合现行借款费用制订的人为收益率。低于这个利率限度的投资通常被认为是不可取的。Hurdle rate A somewhat arbitrary rate of return, related to the current cost of borrowing money, set by a decisions. Below this limit, investment is normally considered inadvisable.

有些人可能比其它人评估的更好,因此依赖于这样的评估是不合适的,因为它们的精度非常低,可能导致错误的预期。While some people are better guesstimators than others, reliance on guesstimates is inadvisable in general as their accuracy can be very low, which can easily lead to false expectations.