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他被记者团团围住。He was besieged by reporters.

部队围攻城堡。The troops besieged the fort.

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敌军被我们包围了。The enemy were besieged by us.

敌军被我们围困在碉堡中。The enemy besieged in the blockhouse.

度假者把旅行社围了个水泄不通。Vacationers besieged the travel office.

海外客人纷至遝来,弄得他应接不暇。He is besieged with visitors from abroad.

敌人被我们围困在碉堡中。The enemy was besieged in the blockhouse.

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敌军被我们围困在碉堡中。The enemy were besieged in the blockhouse.

卑谬城被包围,并最终投降。Pyay was besieged and the city surrendered.

被包围的部队不容易再获得粮食的补给。The besieged army could not easily revictual.

特洛伊城被希腊人围困了10年。Troy was besieged by the Greeks for ten years.

锡拉库萨被雅典人围攻Syracuse finds itself besieged by the Athenians.

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职业介绍所被失业者围了个水泄不通。Employment agencies were besieged by the jobless.

请明星出席聚会的邀请纷至沓来。The star was besieged with invitations to parties.

为了援救这座被围的城市派去了更多的部队。More troops were sent to relieve the besieged city.

军队来援救被围的守备军。The troops came to the relief of the besieged garrison.

讲演者为听众所提出的许多问题所困恼。The lecturer was besieged with questions from his audience.

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我们的城市被包围了并很快会被摧毁。Our city is besieged and we will soon be overrun, said Armon.

亚比米勒到提备斯,向提备斯安营,就攻取了那城。Next Abimelech went to Thebez and besieged it and captured it.

他平定了埃及的叛乱,成功的征服了提尔。He quelled a rebellion in Egypt and successfully besieged Tyre.