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电影非常令人沮丧而且还虎头蛇尾的。It's just very depressing and anticlimactic.

电影的结局真没劲。The conclusion of the movie was anticlimactic.

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编写这个新接口的实现简直不值一提It's almost anticlimactic to write an implementation of this new interface

不过她也觉得这是我职业生涯中又一个重要的里程碑时刻。She shared my sentiments that it was one of the more anticlimactic milestones of my career.

在这题外话之后,是第七道印,相当虎头蛇尾。Then after that digression then you have this seventh seal which is really kind of anticlimactic.

对评论的期待推高风险,但峰会毫无新意的声明阻断了风险的反弹之路。With risk on the rise waiting for the comments, the anticlimactic statements cut short the risk rally.

这种个位数的增幅对于多年来一直保持两位数增长速度的公司来说可能反差过大。Such single-digit increases may seem anticlimactic for a company that has notched double-digit growth for years.

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语境第一要有耐心,因为没有耐心,遇到麻烦就退缩,那么大多数事情就会虎头蛇尾,不能很好完成。First, want to have patience, because no patience, in trouble, so most of the setback things will not good anticlimactic.

我最喜欢的仍是插曲中,阿波罗12号着陆月球,也许在太空旅行的历史上最虎头蛇尾的时刻。My favorite is still the episode in which Apollo 12 arrives at the moon, perhaps the most anticlimactic moment in the history of space travel.

梅道夫的认罪状让人扫兴,因为他明显拒绝与检查官合作,使得留下的线索零零碎碎。Mr Madoff's guilty plea is especially anticlimactic because he has apparently refused to co-operate with investigators, leaving many a loose thread.

同时,学习中要避免照抄照搬、大而空、严人宽己和虎头蛇尾等现象。In the meantime, copy word for word should avoid to copy in study, wide oneself mixes big and sky, severe person anticlimactic wait for a phenomenon.

报道有些虎头蛇尾,描述了大批年轻人如何逃离欧元重灾区,涌入香港寻找就业机会。The rather anticlimactic story which followed described how an influx of young people escaping Europe's economic woes is flooding into Hong Kong looking for jobs.

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尽管有时候严格的应聘过程确实有力地证明了在谷歌开展自己的事业是值得的,但是真正开始工作起来感觉可能大相径庭。Sometimes, though, the rigorous hiring process does such a good job of signalling that a career at Google is desirable that actually starting work there can be anticlimactic.