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头戴传统发饰、脸上画着传统图案的男子。Man in traditional headdress and face paint.

这位男士头饰上的字代表着“灵魂”的意思。The character on this man's headdress means "spirit".

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她头上的蛇形装饰代表着王权。The snake that adorned her headdress was an emblem of kingship.

因此,这个词被翻译为“迈特”或“头饰。”As such, the word has been translated as "mitre" or "headdress. "

我们能以很具吸引力的价格给贵公司报盘大量头花。We can offer you large quantities of headdress flowers at attractive price.

黑色羔裘,黑色冠冕,不穿去吊丧。He does not wear black lambskin or black headdress when attending a funeral.

在这个婚礼场景中,波曼还披上了一条爱德华七世风格的面纱和饰头巾。Portman also wore an Edwardian-style veil and headdress in the wedding scene.

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她戴着一个批下许多有机触须的奇异头饰,具有一种异域风情的美。She bore an exotic beauty and wore an odd headdress draped with organic tentacles.

头上带一个用浅色材料做的头饰可以使太阳不直接照射到头皮上。Fashioning a headdress with a light colored material will keep the sun off the skin.

他示意我看一个华美的头饰上,上面缀满了数百之多的珠子。He usesthe pointer to drawattention to an ornate headdress composed ofhundreds of tiny beads.

泰—森把一块纳格拉奇兽的扇形尾骨当头饰,把一张纳格拉奇兽的兽皮当披风。Thi-Sen wears a fan-shaped narglatch tailbone as a headdress and wears a narglatch hide as a cape.

在亚马逊河流域,一个头戴羽毛和珠子饰物的马诺基印第安人划船顺溪而行。Manoki Indian in a feathered headdress and beads glides down a stream in Brazil's Amazon River Basin.

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所生产的头花、鞋花、品种繁多,直销于东南亚各地。We produce many kind of headdress flower, shoe-dress flower were sold to many places of southeast asia.

因此化佛没有出在宝冠中央,却出现在靠近一侧的位置上,是此像极为特殊的地方。This figure is thus given special prominence, by appearing to one side instead of centrally in the headdress.

在生日肖像照中,查尔斯身着威尔士禁卫军制服,未戴头饰。For the official birthday portrait, Charles wore the ceremonial uniform of the Welsh Guards, minus the headdress.

头上有金色的宝冠和向上方飘扬的彩带,其间装饰有红、紫、青等色的花。The headdress itself has red, purple and blue flowers among the gold-coloured ornament, and upward-fluttering ribbons.

多用于各类头饰及吊饰上的时尚水晶和服装鞋类箱包制品。Our products are mostly used in fashionable crystal in varied headdress or drop ornaments and dress or luggage products.

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阿拉伯男子还常常围着头巾,一种传统的阿拉伯头饰,它是有正方形的,棉质的围巾做成的。Also typically worn by Arab men is the Keffiyeh, a traditional Arab headdress fashioned from a square, usually cotton, scarf.

一个带着传统复杂头饰的年轻女子参加了在达尔汗举办的一场盛会。A young woman in an elaborate traditional headdress participates in a beauty pageant in Darhan, one of Mongolia’s largest cities.

而我呢,我平静地站着,把手伸进乱群之中,为自己梦想制作的那个光滑的头饰,一根一根地拔下这些黑色的羽毛。But me, I stood calm and reached into the maelstrom, plucking black feathers one by one for the waxy headdress I dreamed I’d make.