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根据资源利用率进行收费Resource utilization for chargeback


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用来以图形形式显示利用情况的统计信息。ntop, for graphical utilization statistics

牧草调制干草和加工草粉利用模式。The utilization mode of hay and grass power.

铁树开花与苏铁之利用。Title The utilization of Cycas and its bloom.

一个考虑因素是页的利用率。One consideration is the utilization of pages.

还可以调整应用程序利用率。You can also adjust the application utilization.

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这才是对想象力的合理利用。This is the proper utilization of the imagination.

这是一篇有关松节油利用的综述。This article reviews the utilization of turpentine.

了。也得看天时地利人和。Also get see weather land utilization a person with.

利用外资水平进一步提高。The utilization of foreign capital further improved.

低丘红壤资源开发利用潜力评价。Utilization potential evaluation of low hill red soil.

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实验及应用效果良好。There is satified result in experiment and utilization.

他们的成功要归功于对互联网的利用。Credit this success to their utilization of the Internet.

本文综述了近红外光谱技术在粗饲料领域的研究现状。The utilization of NIRS in the forage field was reviewed.

这改进了资源利用和内存管理。This improves resource utilization and memory management.

然而,这里的想法是减少带宽使用。However, the idea here is to reduce bandwidth utilization.

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油菜杂种优势利用途径主要有三系法和两系法。There are two ways in utilization of heterosis in rapeseed.

在餐饮空间综合运用“汉文化”艺术。In dining space synthesis utilization "Chinese culture" art.

本文还对南海带鱼资源的开发利用进行探讨和分析。This paper also discussed the utilization of it' s resources.