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这张沙发当床用。This sofa serves as abed.

我总是想很多事情躺在床上。I always think of many things abed.

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他们必须厉行精简,阿比德先生说。They have to downsize, says Mr Abed.

每天早晨他们都躺在床上直到早餐铃响。Each morning they lay abed till the breakfast-bell.

在这里,幽闭症和恐高症同时并存,就像两团体睡在一张床上。Claustrophobia and acrophobia in the same place, like two people in abed.

竞选人中的另外一个人,阿贝德·巴沃尼克有个不错的宣言,但是面临着不小的问题。One man, Abed Bwanika, has a good manifesto but has faced a large problem.

毕加索和诗人雅科布在巴黎近郊轮流睡一张床。Picasso and the poet Max Jacob, down but not out in Paris, shared abed in turn.

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据我所知,早晨躺在床上睡懒觉的人鲜少能取得成功或卓越的成就。I never knew a man come to greatness or eminence who lay abed late in the morning.

夜里,市民都早已上床睡觉了,工厂里还炉火熊熊,铁锤叮当。By night the furnaces glowed and the hammers clanged long after townsfolk were abed.

“算你运气,我们正在玩骰子呢,还没去睡,”开门的那个人说。"Lucky for you we were dicing, and not abed yet, " said the man who'd opened the door.

他放弃了自己舒适的生活,返回偏远的孟加拉东北地区。Abed left his comfortable life and returned to a remote area of northeastern Bangladesh.

一个家庭女仆,提利昂想,但往往最丑的在床上却最饥渴的。A homely maid, thought Tyrion, but sometimes the ugliest ones are the hungriest once abed.

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上周,摩苏尔附近的持枪歹徒杀害了苏哈·阿贝德·阿拉,一位参选的来自多世俗联盟的素食主义者。Last week, gunmen near Mosul killed Suha Abed Allah, a veterinarian running as a member of a multisectarian alliance.

巴勒斯坦官员拉伯说,在以色列冻结所有定居点建设活动之前,不可能恢复和谈。Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo said that peace talks cannot resume until Israel freezes all settlement activity.

每当公鸡一打鸣,这个老女人就叫她们起来去干活,不让她们多睡一会儿。They were not allowed to lie long abed in the mornings, but the old lady had them up and doing as soon as the cock crew.

这家总部设在奥克兰的公司还计划在经济舱推出新的“空中沙发”,它是将三个座位合并成的一张双人床。The Auckland-based carrier also plans to fit the new “Skycouch” in economy, which converts three seats into abed for two.

巴勒斯坦解放组织主席亚西尔阿贝德。拉布指责内塔尼亚胡试图破坏和平进程。The General Secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Abed Rabu, accused Mr. Netanyahu of trying to derail the peace process.

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而我也怀疑,你白天去反抗男性暴力只为了晚上能和男人睡一张床——这是很难成功的一件事。I also suspect that it is very difficult tospend your daily life fighting against male violence, only to share abed with a man come the evening.

假如窗子,床头可以利用砍除彩色丝绸、纱、床上用品应尽可能和家居整个装修色调一致。If the window, the head of abed can use lopped colored silks, gauze, bedding should as far as possible and household whole decorate tonal and consistent.

英格兰人应该知道我们的名字是”统治者“,因为他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但绝夺不走我们的独立日!And gentlemen in England now abed shall know my name is the Lord when I tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Independence Day!