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最初6毫克,每日一次。Initially 6mg once daily.

会元这是我的初吻,你呢?This is I initially kisses, you?

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“法”最初为“刑”之一种,即流放。Law was initially a type of penalty, i.

一开始她深信她所写的东西。Initially she believed in what she wrote.

在初放的花朵中踌躇。In the beginning the flowers put initially.

最初指针不会指向任何东西。Initially pointers don't point to anything.

在最初阶段,火车将维持一周两班。The trains will initially run twice a week.

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级联删除起初是一个可怕的概念。Cascading deletes are a scary concept initially.

一个是初始时刻,我们对它没兴趣One is initially. We are not interested in that.

吉迪恩最初被埋葬在一个无名墓地。Gideon was initially buried in an unmarked grave.

不过,所有的人类胚胎最初都有一根尾巴。However, all human embryos initially have a tail.

我最初去了密苏里大学罗拉分校。I went to University of Missouri-Rolla initially.

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起初我对这个重要的短评保持沉默。Initially I kept silent to the essential essay.

开始的时候乐曲按着八度音阶升高So he's coming up initially just through octaves.

几乎忘了最初。动情的暖秋。Almost forgot initially. The warm autumn estrogen.

在最初膨胀之后,云团开始收缩。After initially growing, the cloud began to shrink.

起初,巴力和阿娜特都是伊尔的宫廷里的成员。Initially Ba'al and Anat are members of El's court.

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在最初的愤怒后,他开始捧腹大笑。After initially being angry, he just laughed it off.

开始时所有这些过滤器属性都是可选的。Initially all these filter properties were optional.

当初的边缘者很快就会成为核心人物。What's initially on the edge soon comes to the core.