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哪个选项适合你?Which alternative fits you?

但是,有没有替代方案?But was there any alternative?

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另一个变通的办法是什么?。What's the second alternative?

能否告知您其他利便时间?Can you suggest an alternative?

还有第三个选择。And there is a third alternative.

其他代替止痛药。Other alternative pain relievers.

那么选项二呢?Well then,what's the alternative?

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我们有其他什么替代方法?What other alternative do we have?

罐装豆类是个好替代品哦。Canned beans are a good alternative.

新旧交替时代在向前。New old alternative ages at forward.

学识太多催人老。Too much alternative discharges all.

让我来做个选择性的假设。Let me put an alternative hypothesis.

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另一种选择是“面包”。The other alternative was "baguette".

白里安也是一种选择预付款项。Briand is also an alternative upfront.

开悟是生命的另一选择。Enlightment is an alternative to life.

在这件事上,他们没有选择的余地。They had no alternative in the matter.

其实,更好的选择就是混沌。In fact, a better alternative is chaos.

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我想提出另一项供选择的计划。I'd like to suggest an alternative plan.

另一种不长毛的替代物是果蝇。A nonfurry alternative was the fruit fly.

替代能源听上去像是托辞。Alternative energy sounds like a cop-out.