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悬挂椅子是从苏荷空运过来的。The hanging chair is from Aero in Soho.

外观改装最常见的就是加装空气动力套件。The most common appearance is modified with aero.

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在前面有航空和侧裙内,一些裂缝。There are some cracks on front aero and side skirt.

我们在建造中已经利用了航空航天技术。We have used aero and space technologies while creating it.

CIP航空结构公司将生产三部吊舱装置,总价值约80万美元。CPI Aero will produce three housings for approximately $800,000.

CIP航空结构公司将生产三部吊舱装置,总价值约80万美元。CPI Aero will produce three housings for approximately $800, 000.

然而,航空轮圈补充体力,而且是对大量使用不错的选择。However aero rims add strength and are a good choice for heavy use.

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法拉利在墨尔本使用了新的空气动力学套件。Ferrari have introduced a new aero package for the F10 in Melbourne.

在这种情况下,禁用航空管理单元和航空震动是最佳的选择。In that case, disabling aero snap and aero shake is the best option.

蜂窝篦齿是航空发动机中的重要封严结构。Honeycomb segment was an important sealing structure of the aero engine.

从中国航空网到神州航空网,我们旨在让用户享受更完善的服务!Either Aero China or Aviation China, is aim to providing a better services.

新加坡技术宇航公司70%左右的库存都是从这些公司采购的。Consequently, ST Aero buys about 70 percent of its stock from such companies.

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在这个基础上,介绍了一种航空发动机数字转速表设计。Based on this method, a digital tachometer design for aero engine was introduced.

我曾与你分享一些快与航空皮克IE8的最新版本。I took some snapshot to share with you. The newest version of IE8 with Aero Peek.

这类似与用鼠标对窗口标题栏进行拖曳抖动,并且可以在相同的注册表项中将其禁用。This is similar to the Aero shake and can be disabled with the same registry key.

大家同样可以找到隐藏在系统里的地区Aero主题。You can accessother regional Aero themes that are hidden deep in the system also.

冠军级教练,专业飞行教官,国家体育总局安阳航校保驾护航。Champion coach, Professional flight instructors, Anyang aero sports school escort.

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与现代的空气动力学的造型对比一下,圆形的下管看起来是那么的传统。The round seat tube looks decidedly traditional as compared to modern aero shapes.

这一个小小的改变可以增进全车大约百分之三的空气动力效率。The small change may provide an overall aero efficiency gain of around three percent.

我相信你也知道航空酒吧用于计时赛和铁人三项自行车为主。I am sure you are aware aero bars are used primarily on Time Trial and Triathlon bikes.