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我是新来的,希望大家多多关照啊!I am newcome. nice to meet to you.

近来,杰克对新来的姑娘表现出热心。Jack has been enthusing over the newcome girl recently.

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大家好!我是新来的!我希望能和大家成为好朋友!Hello! Everybody! I'm a newcome . I hope can become friends with everybody.

小程序,新人学习,很简单的基本操作新人必会。Small procedures, new learning, a very simple basic operation will be newcome.

新来的值班员挡住,说,切,这年头,啥都有假冒,啥都敢假冒。Newcome attendant is held off, say, cut, th is year, what has sham, what dare sham.

更不思议的是,这个男人就是学校新来的老师鹿天。More do not think of those who discuss is, this man is Lu Tian of school newcome teacher.

我妈妈在纽科姆工作,每当我需要从她的钱包里偷偷拿些东西的时候,我都会去找她。My mom worked at Newcome and I would go there every time I needed to steal something out of her purse.

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而那几只老鸬鹚就惨了,吃的住的都比新来的鸬鹚差远了。And those a few old cormorant are miserable, eat those who live is further than newcome cormorant difference.

对于慕申羽提出的“影子杀人”的想法,新来的女警李蓁蓁觉得十分荒唐。Put forward to Mu Shenyu " shadow commits murder " idea, zhen of newcome policewoman Li Zhen feels very absurd.

作为新型服务行业中的第三方物流企业,需要在特定的时间段内,在特定的地点、以特定的价格为顾客提供满意的个性化的物流服务。The TPL is a newcome service industry with the main demand of offering the satisfied individual logistics service to the customers at the right place and in the right time.

人们对萨克雷一定没有好印象,因为他让其上校纽科姆经常表现得特傻,虽然也许具有讽刺意味的悲情,这本书的悲剧需要它。One always has a certain grudge against Thackeray for making his Colonel Newcome so silly at times, though perhaps the irony, the pathos, the tragedy of the book required it.

夏家养大的女儿夏以沫深爱出版事业,与新来的主编何岸不打不相识,两人相爱了。Xia Jiayang's big daughter Xia Yimei loves greatly to publish a career, with from an exchange of blows friendship grows of He An of newcome chief editor, two people loved each other.

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结果常发受到了军区司令员孟长胜和新来的副政委兼地委书记甄一然的严惩。As a result constant hair got Meng Changsheng of military region commander and newcome deputy politics appoint hold Zhen Yiran of secretary of perfectural Party committee concurrently punish severely.