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那一定是一个便衣警察。Ca that really ea lain-policeman.

就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边。Beside ea pumice isle in Baiae5s bay.

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于是他们将他捆绑起来,押送到Ea跟前。They bound him, holding him before Ea.

为考试制作一份舠时间管理计划。Create ea time management plan for the rest.

电子艺界垄断带来的新游戏移动。EA brings MONOPOLY's new card game to mobile.

EA模型被存储于基于MOF的仓库中。EA models are stored in an MOF-based repository.

像孩子一样,永远相信希望,相信梦想想。Lke ea chld, always beleve n hope, beleve the dream.

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“EA没有推动我们完成合并,”卡斯通说。"EA was not pushing us to consolidate, " Castle says.

电子艺界一位发言人称这种行为是“寄附营销”。An EA spokesman called the tactic 'barnacle marketing.'

但大家一直误认为只有大企业才需要EA。But there is a misconception that only big companies need EA.

请您解释一下哪方面的创新可通过EA来驱动呢?Can you clarify what flavor of innovation can be driven by EA?

我加载默认的设置与电针和它完美!I loaded the EA with default settings and it worked perfectly!

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在IT系统中应用EA,但始终心系全局。Apply EA in detail for IT-systems etc, but always remember the global.

每个AM项目的架构应该与架构组进行联络An architect for each AM project should be the liaison with the EA group.

而英协的工作人员们首先想到的是用蜡烛取而代之。Our members of our EA got an idea immediately, the used the candles instead.

电针治疗还可减轻脑缺血后细胞水肿及线粒体肿胀程度。EA could extenuate cellular edema and mitochondrial swelling in ischemic rats.

图6所示为源自SA的逻辑及物理EA模型的元模型。Figure 6 shows a meta-model for logical and physical EA models derived from SA.

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由此可见电针复合静松灵是一种比较安全可靠的麻醉方法。Therefoe, EA with xylidinothiazoline is a safe and effective anaesthetic method.

基于语料库的分析不管对于第二语言研究还是错误分析来说都是一个全新的研究领域。The corpus-based analysis is a new field for both study of L2 acquisition and EA.

EA这款曲棍球桌台为你带来随时随地的享受兴奋的经典竞赛游戏!Drop that mallet and bring the thrill of the arcade everywhere with EA Air Hockey!