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那狗咬着她的脚腕子了。The dog was nipping at her ankles.

尽管大多数调查中,凯恩是紧追罗姆尼其后。In most, though, he is nipping at Mr Romney’s heels.

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她刚下颌关节,承受一切!She is nipping the mandibular joint, withstands all!

跨骑在栅栏上,我的狗不时地咬我的脚。While straddling the fence, my dog nipping at my foot.

我们的小咖啡厅正紧咬著大型咖啡连锁店的生意。Our small cafe has been nipping at the heels of the large coffee chains.

牠咬住夏绿蒂的尿布,把她叼起来,然后将她甩向身后。He picked up Charlotte by nipping her diaper and tossed her over his shoulder.

但也有些新来的鱼没有通过这一关,它们死于源源不断的攻击和威吓。Some new fishes will not survive this and die, from continuous nipping and bullying.

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牠咬住夏绿蒂的尿布,把她叼起来,从肩膀上方将她往后丢了逾一公尺远。He picked up Charlotte by nipping her diaper and tossed her over his shoulder by more than a metre.

当你处理你指甲根部的外皮时,你应该很小心。因为你不不会想要它太锋利了。You do want to be careful when dealing with cuticles, because you don't want to do too much nipping with it.

在一个寒风刺骨的傍晚,大雪淹没了这座大山。有人在敲李奶奶的房门。At an evening with nipping bise , the heavy snow drowned this Tashan. someone is knocking grandmother Lee's door.

应用本法时,常在重掐局部后再用揉法,以缓解局部疼痛、不适之感。The manipulation is often used along with kneading after nipping forcefully in order to relieve local pain and discomfort.

中国当代的年轻人,苦闷和辛酸,在一个一个含苞待放的生命的陨落中,一一呈现。Contemporary youth, our bitterness and suffering are announced one by one by those young lives, like the nipping of lovely buds.

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简化整枝早打主茎顶心增加了叶枝结铃数,且单铃重和衣分略有提高。Earlier top shoot nipping of main stem could increase the number of bolls on vegetative branches, average weight per boll and lint percent.

寒风刺骨,长春藤的叶子被风吹得枯萎了、枯黄了,不停地互相拍打着,把她的神经刺激得烦躁不安。The wind was so nipping that the ivy-leaves had become wizened and gray, each tapping incessantly upon its neighbour with a disquieting stir of her nerves.

方法用铝板制作相同坡长不同齿坡角的钥匙模型,在相同夹持方式下模拟增配过程,观察并总结钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度的变化。Methods Similated to duplicate model keys in sameness nipping manner, then observe and summarize the slope angel of profile modeling reamer trace how to change.

围绕希腊是否有能力偿还巨额债务的担忧扩散到了其他更弱的欧元区国家,不过这种担忧如今却在嗜咬着西班牙的脚跟。Worries over Greece's ability to finance its huge debts have spread to other, weaker members of the euro zone, but these same fears are now nipping at Spain's heels.

对此的一种解释是在网络的帮助下,政府和公民们都变得更加“敞开心扉”,因此,很多问题都得以在萌芽期被解决。One explanation, among others, is that both common people and the government are more communicative than ever thanks to the Internet, nipping many problems in the bud.

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这四个出生不久就被它们的各自的母亲遗弃的小动物相互戏耍打闹,玩累了变抱成一团小睡一会儿。After being abandoned by their mothers shortly after birth, the four play fight, nipping and teasing each other, and cuddling up for a shared nap when they are worn out.

但若美国经济复苏力道存在不确定性,让投资人放弃美国货币政策及财政政策紧缩的预期,则这可能会损及美元.Uncertainty about the strength of U.S. recovery, though, may start nipping at the dollar's heels if investors ditch expectations of tighter U.S. monetary and fiscal policy.

一个显著的例子是一种低地威尔士矮脚狗,肩高不超过1英尺,却能通过跳跃和咬牛的后脚跟的办法,将一群身高数倍于自己的牛赶到牧场去。A remarkable example is the low-set Corgi, perhaps one foot tall at the shoulders, that can drive a herd of cows many times its size to pasture by leaping and nipping at their heels.