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里面有红枣和枸杞子。It has jujube and medlar.

月经来的时候能不能吃枸杞?Can medlar eat when menstruation comes?

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枸杞的好处,楼上的都说了。The advantage of medlar , upstairs said.

听大人们说,这就是我们常说的枸杞子。To listen to adults, this is what we often say medlar.

枸杞子可以泡茶喝,有很强的药用价值。Medlar can be drinking tea, have a strong medicinal value.

枸杞是中药吗?它的价格贵不贵?。Is medlar Chinese traditional medicine? Is its price expensive?

以枸杞为主要原料,添加菊花汁改善风味,研制出枸杞菊花果冻。A jelly was made from medlar by using chrysanthemum juice to improve its flavor.

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烧开4碗水,将肉片、枸杞子及姜片同放入锅内煮至肉片全熟。Boil 4 bowls of water, put pork slices and medlar into wok, boil until pork slices done.

煲了银耳雪梨枸杞糖水,还有那些早在心里掂对好的几个家常小菜。Soup Tremella Sydney medlar dessert, and those in the early heart exchange several homely dishes.

成品酒色纯正,口感醇厚,酒香和枸杞果香融为一体。The product has a good flavor and a nice taste with the combined flavor of wine and medlar fruits.

枸杞子则是滋补肝肾的佳品,也是美容药膳中常用的原料。Medlar is to share and nourish liver and kidney, but also the raw materials commonly used in cosmetic Diet.

另外,枸杞可以提高皮肤吸收养分的能力,常吃能起到美白作用。In addition, medlar can improve skin's ability to absorb nutrients, often eat can play the whitening effect.

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将乳鸽去毛及内脏杂物,洗净,放入锅内加水与枸杞共炖,熟时加盐少许。The pigeon to hair and viscera wash, sundry, put in the pot, add water and medlar altogether when a salt stew.

以黄酒为主要原料,添加枸杞汁制成枸杞黄酒复合饮品。Medlar and rice wine beverage were produced through adding medlar fruit to the yellow wine, the main raw material.

本发明公开了以枸杞果为原料酿制的冰杞酒及其制作方法。The invention discloses an ice medlar wine brewed by taking medlar fruits as raw materials and a brewing method thereof.

不定时地喝些枸杞汁和胡萝卜汁,对养目、护肤功效也很显著。Drink some of medlar juice and carrot juice not timely, very remarkable also to raising the eye, effect that protect skin.

浆果长卵形或椭圆形,红色或橘红色。其味为甜、性平具有补肝益肾之功效。Medlar is long ovate or oval shaped, red or orange. It tastes sweet natured with the function of benefiting liver and kidney.

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目的观察复方枸杞子口服液经灌胃对大鼠的生殖毒性和胚胎致畸作用。Objective To observe reproductive toxicity and teratogenicity of compound medlar oral solution in rats by intragastric administration.

配制时只需十几粒枸杞,加热水冲泡频饮,连续饮用两月便会有效。Ten medlar need only when making up, add hot water to pour bubble frequency water, successive and drinkable meet two months effective.

用火腿、老鸡、瑶柱、瘦肉煲3小时汤,并放入芍药、葱末、枸杞等成份。With ham, old chicken, precious jade Bao of column, lean lean 3 hours of soup, put the component such as powder of peony, onion, medlar.