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我们称其为scraper方法。We call this the scraper method.

刮刀,以防止泥土建立车轮。Scraper to prevent mud build up on wheel.

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布赖恩,从车里拿来窗户刮板,用来作你的藤杖,你演约瑟。Brian, get the window scraper from the car.

刮板是用一条方平橡胶镶上木把手。Scraper is a Fangping Xiangshang rubber wood handle.

这个铲斗的容量太小了,应当更换一个更大一些的。This scraper bucket is too small. We need a bigger one.

它里面装着注油枪、垃圾袋和一个刮刀。It contained grease guns, trash bags and a scraper tool.

然后用刮刀把墙纸从墙上弄下来。Then zip the stuff off the wall with a wallpaper scraper.

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红头木柄带孔油灰刀,软刀身。Scraper top painting wooden handle with hole, flexible blade.

水下部分不锈钢材料制造,是十分理想的刮泥机环保设备。The underwater part of the scraper is made of stainless steel.

自行式铲运机是循环作业机械,换挡频繁,司机劳动强度大。Scraper works in a repetition state and should be shifted frequently.

刮板运料机将石膏给配到石膏仓库中去。The scraper conveyor will distribute the gypsum in the gypsum storehouse.

没有刮板站点,镜像站点,链接农场或免费为所有链接交换。No scraper sites, mirror sites, link farms or free for all link exchanges.

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您需要购买舌刮板和得到所有的东西从你的舌头。You need to buy a tongue scraper and get all the stuff off of your tongue.

而通过用钢丝刷、刮刀手动除去这些杂质的效果并不理想。In this case, manual cleaning using a wire brush or scraper is not efficient.

本文针对运输机刮板锻造模具设计问题。This paper is directed against forging moulder design in scraper of conveyer.

我去我的工具箱,得到了刮板,将新刀片在刮干净。I went to my toolbox and got a scraper and put a new razor blade in the scraper.

不时用清管器在油管内穿过,以清除这种锈蚀。From time to time a scraper is passed through the pipeline to remove this corrosion.

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并对今后铲运机液压系统如何发展谈了看法。Moreover, the paper offers opinion about how to develop hydraulic system of scraper.

一个给我们维修刮泥板的人竟然认识上流社会的人士!To think that a man who mends our scraper should know any member of our aristocracy !

花模、巧克力模具、饼干曲奇模、托盘、刮板等。Today, our product cover cake decorrte mould, cookies cutter, display tray and scraper.