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咒骂无助于你找到好工作、获得晋升加薪或拥有一段美好的恋情。Swearing doesn't get you hired, promoted, or romantically connected.

在让大多数男人有想发展恋爱关系的女人周围,他们如何表现呢?How do most guys behave around women that they're "romantically" interested in?

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是亲吻鱼嘴接着嘴浪漫地遨游在无尽的海中吗?A re the kissing-fishes shuttling back and forth in boundless briny romantically?

我们多数人都渴望得到异性的青睐,尤其在青春期的时候。Most of us, especially in adolescence, want very much to be romantically desirable.

大部分人,特别是在青春期的时候,希望能有很多人追自己。Most of us, especially in adolescence, want very much to be romantically desirable.

太浪漫了,这个月会让你大吃一惊,哪怕你是挂单的。Romantically , this month will be so strong it may amaze you, even if you are single.

很多男人对性过于严肃了,他们忘了开怀大笑,也忘了玩一些浪漫的小把戏,忘了从性中获得乐趣。Many men are far too serious about sex. They forget to laugh, be romantically mischievous, have fun.

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你可以通过邮件或短信,把浪漫情话传达给你的爱人。You can email or text, romantically cute love quotes to your love mate to express your love gestures.

你的唱功不错!能感动!欢迎你来一起分享你的作品在海南话流行歌曲界!Your song is romantically delivered. Love it! Aking , we welcome you to the Hainanese pop music world !

另一方面,尽管汉娜心情好也很热情,但还是逐渐厌倦了太过浪漫的生活方式。Hannah on the other hand, while all good humor and warmth, has grown weary of a romantically stifled lifestyle.

木星会在9月9日回归双鱼宫,会极大地提升你的创新能力和浪漫气氛的营造能力。Jupiter will be back in Pisces as of September 9, giving you an enormous boost both creatively and romantically.

理论上一个看上去白马王子般的男人不应该扮演这么一个浪漫却很受伤的老好人。A man who looks like that should not, in theory, be able to pull off the role of a romantically wounded pussycat.

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这一回答既含混又明确,让人感觉那是个富于浪漫气息的与世隔绝的地方。The combination of vagueness and specificity in the answer gives a sense of somewhere romantically incommunicado.

他的歌声温柔流畅,伴奏乐队由12人组成,在这婉转的键盘和吉他的伴奏下,他的歌声是那么浪漫和悠扬。His voice was soft and smooth, soaring romantically over the sweeping keyboards and guitars of his 12-person backup band.

他曾和戴安娜王妃有过一段绯色联系,最近几年据说在和电视明星及模特帕德玛·拉克施密约会。He was briefly romantically linked to Princess Diana and dated model and television personality Padma Lakshmi in recent years.

在条件一致的情况下,什么人,你会想和怎样的人,发生关系,会是什么人?All things being equal, what sort of person if you could be sexually or romantically ? involved with any person, ? who would it be?

差不多半数的人都曾与工作伙伴有过风花雪夜的罗曼史,而更多的人则倾向于与公司同事发展恋情.Almost half of us have been romantically tied to someone from work, and many more would like to find amour in a neighboring cubicle.

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朋友间分享秘密和其他的个人琐事,彼此鼓励,相互支持,但不会产生浪漫的感觉。We share secrets and personal stuff with them, we support them, and they stand by us. But we are not romantically interested in them.

尽管生性浪漫的当地人或许会说山名源自日落时夕阳在山峰上撒下的那一抹粉红色,事实上山名与此毫无关系。Despite what romantically minded locals may say, the name of the massif has nothing to with the pink blush its peaks acquire at sunset.

你可能会的道一些让你改变你对很亲密的人的看法,你和这些人的亲密是柏拉图式的或是浪漫主义式的。You may get some information during this period that changes the way you view someone you have been close to platonically or romantically.