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我首先借来一个笔记本电脑。I first of all get a loaner laptop.

但是不要对免费借用车库的那台普瑞斯太惊讶。But never mind the free loaner Priuses in the garage.

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而我永远是她们借钱的主力,谁让我是单身呢!Fig4. While I always act as the generous loaner for the single status.

我国在加入WTO背景下应审视重构贷款者责任之规范。We should examine and rebuild standards of loaner duty under joining WTO.

到中国出差的商人经常使用一次性的手机和携带删除敏感数据的电脑。China often tote disposable cellphones and loaner laptops stripped of sensitive data.

只有项目公司违约或破产时,贷款人才可接管项目公司的全部资产,行使担保权。The loaner can take over all of asset of the project company and use his guaranty rights.

不管别人的愿望需要一台拖拉机或飞机来实现,哈弗斯蒂克几乎总是可以找到愿意出借的人。Whether someone's wish involves a tractor or a plane, Haverstick can almost always find a loaner.

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到中国出差的商人经常使用一次性的手机和携带删除敏感数据的电脑。Travelers to China often tote disposable cellphones and loaner laptops stripped of sensitive data.

您可以向盖城总务组借用点心,并且签下借条保证下周还回所借的点心。You may loan snacks from the GCS-General affair and sign a loaner for the following week to pay back loaned snacks.

结论租借物和植入物的零风险质量管理是保障相关医疗安全的重要工作。CONCLUSIONS Zero tolerance quality management in loaner instrumentation and implantables is crucial for medical safety.

目的介绍和分析美国针对租借物与植入物的质量管理体系。OBJECTIVE To introduce and discuss the quality management system of medical loaner instrumentation and implantables in the US.

在此基础上,对现代最终贷款人理论的有关文献进行了总结,重点评述了现代最终贷款人理论的一个重要内容——道德风险的防范。Based on this, the author sums up relative literature of modern final loaner and put emphasis on the guard against moral risks.

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假如伱没学,伱能用租借旳坐骑[多人用飞行坐骑?]到达那些地方炼级。If you do not have Cold Weather Flying, you will be provided with a "loaner mount" that will allow you to complete leveling in those areas.

从美国成文法和判例法来看,对贷款者责任的规定主要是监督义务、善意义务、信托义务和惩罚性赔偿义务。In American written laws and case laws, the regulations of loaner duty include mainly supervision duty, well-meaning duty, trust duty and punitive indemnification duty.

以存单作质押申请贷款时,出质人应委托贷款行申请办理存单确认和登记止付手续。Where a deposit certificate is hypothecated for a loan, the pledger shall entrust the loaner to handle the formalities for deposit certificate confirmation and stopping payment.

的理论,在随机市场利率的条件下,研究了提前还贷对贷款人或债权人的收益或损失,以及这些收益或损失的风险额度。Using the theory of finance mathematic and under the situation of random interest, in this paper, we discuss the proceeds or loss of loaner for giving back loan forward, and the risk of it.

本文根据金融数学的理论,在随机市场利率的条件下,研究了提前还贷对贷款人或债权人的收益或损失,以及这些收益或损失的风险额度。同时也分析了提前还贷的赔偿金问题。Using the theory of finance mathematic, in this paper we discuss the proceeds or loss of the loaner for giving back loan forward and the risk of it under the situation of random interest rate.

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这将有助于克服借款方与金融机构间的信息不对称。增加对国际资本市场的利用。This will be helpful in overcomes information non-asymmetrical between the loaner and the financial organ, so as to Increase to the capability of taking advantage of international capital market.

本文拟通过对助学贷款体系的各主体进行分析,探讨如何引导银行、高校、贷款人三者形成良性互动的助学体系的一些政策措施。Hereafter, we would like to discuss the measurements to establish the student-loan system with sound cooperation among bank, collage and loaner through analyzing the factors in this loaning system.