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我认为它无足轻重。I esteem it worthless.

这幅假画一钱不值。The fake painting is worthless.

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他真是个窝囊废。He is really a worthless wretch.

人的应许常是一无价值的。Human promises are often worthless.

戳破这窗户纸就一文不值。Let out the secret and it is worthless.

就是所谓的“魔术说破不值钱”。So-called "magic that broke worthless."

我们每一个人,就自身来说,毫无价值。Each one of us, on our own, is worthless.

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我看不起轻贱的人。I look down on mean and worthless people.

我认为,他们的调查一无是处。I consider that their claims are worthless.

不要剥夺你微不足道的孩子的福佑!Do not deprive Thy worthless child of bliss!

他认为民意测验毫无意义而不加考虑。He dismisses the opinion polls as worthless.

他把钱白白花在一个毫无价值的计划上。He chucked his money away on a worthless plan.

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它被认为是无益甚至邪佞之事。It was oppposed as worthless and even heretical.

天下皆谓我道大,似不肖。Everybody says that my Great Way seems worthless.

其结果是,历史模型或许毫无价值。As a result, historical models might be worthless.

这把椅子虽然连收破烂的也可能认为不值钱。That chair may be worthless even to a junk dealer.

我们被骗购买了无价值的股份。We were shanghaied into buying worthless securities.

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热情是关键,但如果没有纪律,就毫无意义。Passion is key but it is worthless without discipline.

你瞧把自己扔给了一个多么没用的懒汉啊?What worthless layabouts does you throw yourself upon?

身外之物不仅没有用处,它们甚至有害。Possessions are worse than worthless — they're harmful.