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这人是个彻底的无赖。The man is roguish through and through.

那人是个十足的无赖。The man was roguish through and through.

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贼是种类的最流氓的。Thieves are the most roguish of the classes.

好,我们所要说的就是他以为这件奇怪的事情已蒙混过关。Well, all we said was He took a strange thing to be roguish over.

衡平法是一个无赖,因为它随着大法官脚的尺码的不同而变化。Equity is a roguish thing, for it varies with the length of the Chancellor's foot.

直到有一天,一个隐形杀手和一个无赖警察的出现打破了这份平静。Until one day, the appearance of a mysterious killer and a roguish cop broke the peace.

我请他帮忙设计一个印第安那州地区的民间侠盗英雄人物,他给了我这个非常棒的设计。I asked him for a kind of roguish folk hero type of Indiana jones character. He delivered a great design.

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中国发现自己再次夹在了国际社会与其无赖盟友兼贸易伙伴朝鲜之间。China finds itself once again caught between the world and North Korea, its roguish ally and trading partner.

你的敏捷机智允许你建立冰冻陷阱,造成额外的伤害,并迷惑敌人。Your roguish ingenuity allows you to build Frost Traps that deal additional damage and disorient your enemies.

你们可以把这些明显手写的,无赖而稀奇的标题,和机械化的“暴风“相对比。You could contrast the roguish and fanciful, clearly done by hand, title of the magazine, with that machine-type Blast.

似乎她随时能用她那娇媚、天真、淘气的活泼抖落掉一切不愉快的心思。it seemed that she always shook off every unpleasant thought with a liveliness that was, at once, charming, ingenuous and roguish.

刘炜这代的画家都抱持戏谑心态,希望揭发真相,批判看来谦恭有礼的表象或是直指先前神圣不可侵犯的题材。The uniting roguish impulse of Liu's generation led these artists to seek to reveal the truth of situations beneath polite surfaces and previously unassailable subjects.