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而电子香烟是利用气化内部含有的尼古丁的液体的原理制成的。E-cigarettes vaporize liquid containing nicotine.

一些液体会蒸发,以填充额外的空间。Some liquid will vaporize to fill the additional space.

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这将导致油品蒸发到周围的空气。This causes the oils to vaporize into the surrounding air.

气化那运输队!轴动变形武器一①件也不可以留!Vaporize that convoy! No trace of the Mechtech can remain!

之后来自太阳的热量在每个月球中午将这些水蒸发。Heat from the sun could then vaporize the water each lunar noon.

我毙了你,我蒸发你,我把你送盐矿去!I'll shoot you, I'll vaporize you, I'll send you to the salt mines!

所有低温液体在蒸发时都会产生大量的气体。All cryogenic liquids produce large volumes of gas when they vaporize.

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这就是为什么热能使冰融化,使水蒸发,使物体膨胀的原因。That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand.

氯37容易与氢元素化合,以氯化氢的形式蒸发出来。Chlorine-37 likes to bond with hydrogen and vaporize out as hydrogen chloride.

流星雨是哈雷彗星在穿越地球大气层时掉落的碎片在汽化而成的。The meteors are debris from this comet that enter Earth's atmosphere and vaporize as they fall.

那么是什么样的火可以使铁和钛蒸发掉而留下完整无损的尸体呢?So what kind of fire can vaporize aluminum and tempered steel and yet leave human bodies intact?

随着这些云的瓦解,它的内部开始变热并压缩,它热到能使尘埃蒸发。As the cloud collapses, it heats up and compresses in the center. It heats enough for the dust to vaporize.

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另一具仪器会收集并气化固态粒子,以便供GCMS?识。Another instrument will collect and vaporize solid particles so that they can also be identified by the GCMS.

如果撞击物够大且速度够快,会使本身连同地表上相近的质量蒸发。If projectiles are sufficiently big and fast, they vaporize both themselves and a similar mass of the surface.

在磁瓶中,放射电场会使电浆与大部分废料离子沿著一个螺旋路径绕行。Radio waves would vaporize the waste, which would then be sent into a magnetic bottle containing a thin, trapped plasma.

而如果这一切发生的足够快的话,那些以固态形式存在冰晶颗粒中的钠元素将从这些冰晶颗粒中分离出来,而且有可能不会蒸发成气态的钠元素。If this happens quickly enough, the solid sodium would never vaporize but would stay embedded in the ice even as it exits.

用5-6W的激光输出功率均匀地烧灼、汽化跖疣至褐色疣体病变组织完全清除。Use 5-6W output power laser to cauterize and vaporize verruca plantaris to get rid of the brown colored pathological changes.

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当光束在一个小点上聚焦时,其功率强度得以提高,并产生足够的热量来汽化任何材料。When the beam is. focused to a small spot, its power density is. rais. d to produce sufficient heat to vaporize any material.

用二极管或氩激光沿软骨性咽鼓管汽化肥厚的粘膜和粘膜下层。A diode or argon laser was used to vaporize areas of hypertrophic mucosa and submucosa along the cartilaginous eustachian tube.

第二,探测器可能有主动雷达或者激光雷达防御系统,可以发现碎片,并用激光来汽化这些颗粒。Secondly, the probe could have an active radar or lidar defense that targets debris and uses lasers to vaporize the dust particles.