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共植入人工机械瓣膜719例。There were 719 prosthetic heart valves implanted.

她的仿生鳍就像个舵,用来保持平衡。Her prosthetic fin acts like a rudder and keeps her stable.

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图为9岁的林薛学着使用假肢走路。Left, Yin Xue, 9, practiced walking with her prosthetic leg.

至于手臂——那是由大脑植入系统所控制的假肢。And the arm underneath? A prosthetic -- controlled by brain implant.

义肢应用中的一个挑战就是它们操纵起来很难。One challenge of prosthetic limbs is that they're difficult to monitor.

堪称戏剧变色龙的妮可,甚至在片中戴上了假鼻子。A theatrical chameleon, Kidman even wore a prosthetic nose for the movie.

结论NPG合金修复效果较好,适用于冠桥修复。Conclusion NPG alloy has good prosthetic effect used in crown and bridge.

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这种假体的心脏瓣膜被一个导管球囊折叠起来。The prosthetic heart valve is collapsed down over a balloon over the catheter.

血红素是血红蛋白的辅基,有极其广泛和重要的应用。Heme , the prosthetic group of the hemoglobin, has been used widely and importantly.

这只名为“丽人”的秃鹰装了一个几乎能以假乱真的义喙。This bald eagle named Beauty was fitted with a remarkably life-like prosthetic beak.

人们对非朊基已经有很好的研究了,知道其与毒性无关。This prosthetic group has been well studied and is not associated with any toxicity.

阿富汗,1996-地雷受害者在国际红十字会学习用假肢走路。Afghanistan 1996-land mine victims learned to walk on prosthetic legs at icrc clinic.

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在欧比-万英灵的指引下,卢克在战斗中重伤了维德的机械右臂。Guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan, Luke severed Vader's prosthetic right arm in combat.

手术后,贾尼丝安装了左腿义肢和人工骨盆,奇迹般存活了下来。She survived and was reassembled with a prosthetic left leg and an artificial pelvis.

此外并具有自动断电机制,可达到节能省电之目标。In addition, the prosthetic hand has the feature of auto power-off to save the energy.

单腿膝上截肢的残疾人欲站立行走,假腿便要成为他们身体的重要组成部分。The prosthetic leg is an important part for the above-knee amputee to stand up and walk.

同时不要忘了那位海军陆战队士兵每天早上第一件事就是装上假腿。And don't forget that Marine who has to put on a prosthetic leg first thing every morning.

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今天,穿着假肢,阿隆罗尔斯顿仍然上山,探索峡谷。Today, wearing a prosthetic arm, Aron Ralston still climbs mountains and explores canyons.

在上海的一个康健中心,她看到其他经过切断手术的人配备一个金属的辅助手臂。At a recovery center in Shanghai, she saw other amputees outfitted with metal prosthetic arms.

多亏了有巨型的义足,大象宝宝楚克才重新学会了走路。Thanks to his jumbo-sized prosthetic foot, Chhouk the baby elephant has learned to walk again.