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你伤患上厉害吗?。Bre you badly hurt?

这些个是你的袜子吗?Bre these your socks?

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这些个是您的行李吗?。Bre these your baggage?

在动物园里有山君吗?。Bre there tigers in the zoo?

你筹办一小我私人住在这搭吗?Bre you gonna live here alone?

你明天去天津市吗?Bre you going to Tianjing tomorrow?

房租中包孕水、电以及瓦斯费吗?Bre the utilities included in the rent?

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猫是清晨大还是夜晚大?Bre cats bigger in the morning or at night?

BRE型橡胶警棍由高弹性橡胶制成。The batons BRE are made of a resilient rubber.

欠不害羞让您久等了,先生。您一共是四件行李对吗?Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. Bre there four pieces in all?

许多人讲英语时都很害羞,因此在开始前,深呼吸并且微笑。Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep bre.

在伦敦商学院上周举行的一个早餐会上,我感受到了这一点。I got a flavour of this at a bre akf ast seminar at London Business School last week.

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你们都是世博会的志愿者吗?是的,我们希望为本身的都会以及世博会做些事。Bre you all volunteers for the Expo? Yes, we are. We want to do something for our city and the Expo.

就灯盏花素治疗缺血性脑血管病作用及其机理的进展作一论述。The article makes review on the mechanism and function of Bre treating ischemia cerebrovascular disease.

本文采用日光照度数值得出平均天空亮度分布,它与BRE平均天空相似。By using daylight illuminance data, an average sky luminance distribution which is similar to BRE average sky is obtained in this paper.

您在寻觅一个风行的名儿吗?或是想避开这些个名儿,以下面所开列表可以帮忙您做出一个决议!Bre you looking for a popular name? Trying to avoid one? The following lists of popular names can help make thellos crucial decision easier!

不管如何,建筑研究组织办公室显示了被动环境设计概念和最大化利用天然资源方面努力的进展。However, the BRE office does represent advances in passive environmental design concepts, and in the efforts being made to maximize the use of natural resources.

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研究院设理事会,理事会是本院的最高权力机构。理事会成员由各出资人委派代表组成,建议CFL、BRE等英方机构派员参加。Institute will set up the Council, which is the highest authority. Members of the Council are appointed by the investors, and we propose CFL, BRE and other British institutions.

Siau说,大学收到了政府的资金支持,使研究者可以跟独立研究公司BRE集团合作,在真正的房子里测试这个平台。Siau said that the university received government funding, enabling the researchers to work with the independent research firm BRE Group in Watford on testing the platform in real houses.