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所有在卡梅尔山聚集。All the people gathered on Mount Carmel.

来自印第安纳州的Carmel高中赢得了初级组的胜利。Carmel High School from Indiana won the beginners division.

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现在发送的所有以色列人民,以满足我的卡梅尔山。Now send for all the people of Israel to meet me on Mount Carmel.

以利沙从伯特利上迦密山,又从迦密山回到撒马利亚。And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria.

他的夫人的名字是希尔维亚,夫妇俩在加利福尼亚州的卡麦尔河谷一带拥有一座农场。He and his wife Sylvia own a family farm in Carmel Valley, California.

那名芒特卡梅尔的患者‘发现’失散已久的兄弟躺在床上。the patient at Mount Carmel who ‘discovered’ his long-lost brother in his bed.

焦糖篮球厂,而现在仍是算数的,他在他最信赖的顾问。Carmel basketball factory, and still counts him among his most trusted advisors.

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阿哈布便派人召集了所有的以色列子民,聚集了那些先知,一起到了加尔默耳山上。So Ahab sent to all the Israelites and had the prophets assemble on Mount Carmel.

亚哈就差遣人招聚以色列众人和先知都上迦密山。So Ahab sent word throughout all Israel and assembled the prophets on Mount Carmel.

介绍以色列海法市卡梅尔山上的巴孛陵寝梯田平台花园。Introduc of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel in Haif a, Israel.

在迦密山上,以利亚再次成为发号施令的人。Elijah then on Mount Carmel again takes charge. His first question was to the people.

莫纳在电话与我们的朋友接触到和平卡梅尔谁安排了我们在巴黎见面。Mona was in phone contact with our friend Carmel from PEACE who had arranged to meet us in Paris.

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亚哈就差遣人招聚以色列众人和先知都上迦密山。So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.

“如果没有一个好妻子,我不可能走到现在,”他说,“过几天就要下雪了,卡梅尔今天上午花了七个小时帮我清洗蔬菜。”Carmel spent about seven hours this morning cleaning my vegetables for me in preparation for a show.

印第安那州卡美尔市的迪克迈耶夫妇将每周五晚上定为和三个孩子们共度“家庭夜”的时间。The Dickmeyers of Carmel. Ind. , reserve every Friday night as "family night" with their three children.

大卫的两个妻耶斯列人亚希暖和作过拿八妻的迦密人亚比该,也被掳去了。David's two wives also had been taken captive, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail the widow of Nabal of Carmel.

然后,以利亚回到了卡梅尔山,祈祷上帝的诅咒将结束,雨会来的。Then Elijah went back to Mount Carmel and prayed to God that the curse would be over and that rain would come.

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Soberanes大苏尔附近,加州是一条崎岖的一块到了4000英尺的海岸线支持的山脉。Soberanes Point, in Big Sur near Carmel California is a rugged piece of coastline backed by 4,000 foot mountains.

那一天,神在迦密山上作了一件富戏剧性的事,祂降火烧尽以利亚的祭坛,结果众民在震惊中决定信服神。God did something dramatic on Mount Carmel that day, when fire came to consume Elijah's altar. It jolted the people into belief.

你的牧人在迦密的时候,和我们在一处,我们没有欺负他们,他们也未曾失落什么。When your shepherds were with us, we did not mistreat them, and the whole time they were at Carmel nothing of theirs was missing.