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什么是开眼角手术?。What is a canthus operation?

一眼角作为汁液五到六次每天。One canthus take juices five to six times a day.

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眦邻北京,天津,工业基础雄厚。Canthus o Beijing, Tianjin, strong industrial base.

洗脸时应该用毛巾洗眼角吗?Should be canthus washed with towel when washing a face?

内眦韧带几乎横压于泪囊中部。Inner canthus ligament almost projected on the middle of the sac.

她看着他,眼泪从眼角,顺着脸颊滑了下来。She looked at him, and tears from canthus , slipped down his face.

拉我在你的怀抱,触没有触摸到,我发烫的眼角?Draw me in your arms, touch to , my canthus which becomes boiling hot?

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最后一滴泪水在眼角中挥散不去。The last drop of tears in the brandish in canthus scattered not to go.

轻轻地由眼角内向外按摩令皮肤充分吸收。Massage face softly from canthus inside to outside until fully absorbed.

睛明穴位于眼睛内眼角稍上方凹陷处。Jingming acupoint is located in the pit above slightly the inner canthus.

生活如水般波澜不惊,平平淡淡,缓缓地流过男人的额头和女人的眼角。Life is flowing placidly across the forehead of men and canthus of women.

收起思绪,拭开沾在眼角下的那点泪花。Fold the thoughts and wiping open touch in canthus under that bit of tears.

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眼睛慢慢的闭起,眼角滑过一滴晶莹的泪。Eyes slowly begin to shut, the canthus slides elapse a drop of radiant tears.

眼眦每天都有也是黄黄的,其它没在什么不正常,请问这要紧吗?Eye canthus every day is also the AFP, and other what not unusual, is this matter?

结果A组27例较少发生内眦角变形、睑外翻,上下泪点复位良好。Results Group A had less medial canthus malposition and less eversion of the eyelid.

“如你所见。”段兴言笑笑,眼角弯的愈发厉害。"Such as you see. "The section cheerful speech smiles, the canthus is curved of more convey badly.

纪昌花了两年的功夫,练到即使有锥子向眼角刺来,也能不眨一下眼睛。Ji Chang spent two years on it, and managed not to blink, even if an awl 1 is coming at his canthus.

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内眦窝成形器对维持手术效果可起到重要作用。The inner canthus nest shaping apparatus play an important role for persistence of operation effect.

不要像玻璃那样脆弱,而应像水晶一样透明,太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强。Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.

没有苦中苦,哪来甜中甜?不要像玻璃那样脆弱,而应像水晶一样透明,太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强。Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.