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他们引发了如此大的力量为什么对于非战斗行动被需要的问题。They called into question why such a large force was needed for noncombat operations.

他们无法躲避噬骨的寒风,这也正是出现大量非战斗减员的原因。They could not stand the bitter cold, which was the reason for the excessive noncombat reduction in personnel.

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战斗造成的损失在不断攀升,而且由于糟糕的飞机维护情况,在非战斗状态中,还有飞行员坠机身亡。Combat losses were mounting and pilots were being killed in noncombat crashes due to poor maintenance of planes.

在非战斗情况下,我们也偶尔参与地区救助工作,这被称之为人道主义援助。Occasionally, we engage in local projects that would, in a noncombat environment, be termed humanitarian assistance.

双方同时答应扩大再无争议领域的合作,比如反恐以及海盗问题。The two nations also agreed to wider cooperation in such noncombat areas as counterterrorism and counter-piracy operations.

同一年,基金会向5323名在服役期间因非战斗原因死亡的军人家属提供了帮助。That same year, the foundation assisted 5,323 families of servicemen who died in noncombat incidents during military service.

假设你操控了永生圈环与一个鹏洛客,且由对手操控的某来源将对你造成非战斗伤害。Suppose you control Immortal Coil and a planeswalker, and a source controlled by an opponent would deal noncombat damage to you.

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假设你操控了穹光大天使与一个鹏洛客,且由对手操控的某来源将对你造成非战斗伤害。Suppose you control Empyrial Archangel and a planeswalker, and a source controlled by an opponent would deal noncombat damage to you.

对威慑力量的日益强调注定要为女性提供不断拓宽的范围,使其能置身于全新类型的非战斗性军事任务中。The growing emphasis on deterrence is bound to offer increasing scope for women to become involved in novel types of noncombat military assignments.

若你操控的某个来源会对对手造成非战斗伤害,你可以改为对该对手操控的某个旅法师造成等量的伤害。If a source you control would deal noncombat damage to an opponent, you may have that source deal that damage to a planeswalker that opponent controls instead.

但看上去确实存在着机会,对威慑的日益重视决定了妇女将会承担越来越多的新型非战斗类军事任务。Opportunities seem certain to arise. The growing emphasis on deterrence is bound to offer increasing scope for women to become involved in novel types of noncombat military assignments.